Documentation for OSU Extension Publications: Home
Getting started
- Log in to OJS at the following link:
- To sign in to OJS, use your OSU shortname and O-Key password.
- Complete the system registration in OJS.
Note: If OJS does not recognize your username, you have not been added to the system. Please email with the subject heading "OSU Extension Publication Registration" to gain access to OJS.
Submitting a fact sheet
- To submit a factsheet, log in to OJS with your credentials here:
- Your username is your OSU short name. Your password is your O-Key password.
- Once you've logged in, you will notice your username appears on the top right corner of the OSU Extension Publications homepage. Click your username, then click "Dashboard."
- On the upper right-hand corner, click “New Submission.”
- Follow the directions on the “New Submission” page.
- Be sure to select the appropriate section in the drop down menu.
- Please note that you must check all “submission requirements” boxes as well as the privacy statement box at the bottom of the screen in order to successfully submit your fact sheet.
- Click “Save and continue.”
- OJS will now prompt you to upload a file.
- Choose your article component from the drop down list and upload the appropriate file and click continue.
- You may edit the file name under “Review Details” if you wish.
- Click continue. If you have an additional file to add, you may click “Add Another File.” If you have no additional files to add, click “Complete” to return to the submission window.
- Click “Save and continue.”
- Under the “Enter Metadata” tab, enter the required information. You must enter at least a title and a 250-word abstract.
- Add any additional contributors under the “List of Contributors” section in the middle of the page. You will have the opportunity to select the primary contact for editorial correspondence on this page. You may also add additional keywords here. Click “Save and continue” when complete.
- If you are satisfied with your submission, click “Finish Submission.”
- Your submission is complete, and you will receive an email confirmation.
Reviewing a fact sheet
- If you are selected to review a fact sheet, you will receive an email from the OSU Extension Publication platform alerting you. The email will specify and deadline for the review to be complete, and it will provide you with links that allow you to accept or decline the review
- Once you log in to OJS, you’ll be asked whether you choose to accept or decline the review
- If you choose to accept, you’ll continue to a page that displays reviewer guidelines from your editors. Review the guidelines and click “Continue to Step #3”
- On the “Download and Review” page, you may download the article text. You can then “Save for later” and return to the platform once you are ready to submit your review.
- When you are ready to submit your review, you may return to the “Download & Review” page. If you’ve logged out, you’ll see your in-progress review in your OJS dashboard upon logging back in. Click on the link to resume your review.
- You may paste the content of your review in the boxes in the middle of the screen. Please note that the first box will be viewed by the author and the relevant editors. The second box will be seen by editors only.
- You may also upload review files if you wish under “Reviewer Files.”
- Additionally, you have the option to send an email under “Review discussions” to discuss the article with either the section editors or the journal editor. These discussion posts are sent as emails to whomever you choose to receive them.
- Finally, you must leave a recommendation in the drop-down menu to complete the review process.
- You will be asked to confirm that you wish to submit your review.
- Upon submission, your review is complete.