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- Library Guides
- BCOM Guide
- Country Information
BCOM Guide: Country Information
Business Communication
Online Sources
- CIA World FactbookThe World Factbook provides basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, environment, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.
- Countries and Areas, U.S. Dept. of StateIncludes country fact sheets, travel information and travel advisories, embassies and consulates. For earlier reports see U.S. Department of State Background Notes, https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn//index.htm
- Country StudiesThis collection contains electronic versions of eighty books originally sponsored by the U.S. Army and written by researchers affiliated with the Library’s Federal Research Division. Intended for a general audience, the studies provide descriptions and analyses of lesser-known countries or regions where U.S. military forces might be deployed.
- OECD iLibraryAn online library organized by the Organization of Economic Co-Operation and Development with full-text for some eBooks, 158 podcasts, and access to OECD’s database.
- WHO / CountriesThe official website of the World Health Organization.
- World Culture Encyclopedia (Countries and their Cultures)Information includes demography, linguistics, food, social stratification, and much more.
- Mergent OnlineMainly a company research database, but includes country profiles on the bottom right of the main page.
More useful sources at OSU Libraries
- The Statesman's YearbookCall Number: 310.58 S797Publication Date: 2016Current edition is kept in Main Library. Previous editions are located in the Auxiliary Building - can be requested via ILL (http://info.library.okstate.edu/ILS/remote-materials)
- CulturegramsCall Number: 909.025 C968Publication Date: 2002, 2007
- Countries and Their Cultures (4 volumes)Call Number: 306.03 C855ISBN: 0028649508Publication Date: 2001A good general overview of countries. All entries have the same structure, with sections on geography, history, demography, languages, food, economy, etiquette, politics, family, religion, and arts and humanities.
- Encyclopedia of the World's Nations and Cultures (e-book, may require OKEY login)ISBN: 0816063079Publication Date: 2007Covers 193 countries. Each entry begins with a "Basic Fact Sheet" (head of state, capital, area, religion, national holidays, and so forth).Subsections include "Geographical Features," "Ethnic Compositions,"Languages," "Religions," "Political Parties," "Fo reign Policy," and "Economy," plus new sections on culture-related topics such as "Living Conditions," "Folklore and Mythology," "Etiquette," "Family Life," and "Personal Appearance."
- Encyclopedia of the World's Nations and Cultures byCall Number: 903 E563ISBN: 0816063079Publication Date: 2006-09-014 volumes
- Dun & Bradstreet Guide to Doing Business Around the WorldCall Number: 658.848 M882d 2001ISBN: 0735201080Publication Date: 2001
- Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life byCall Number: 305.8003 W927 2009ISBN: 1414448821Publication Date: 2009-05-12v. 1: Africa; v. 2: Americas; v. 3 -v. 4: Asian & Oceania; v. 5: Europe
- Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands byCall Number: 395.52 M882k 2006ISBN: 1593373686Publication Date: 2006-07-24Your Passport to International Business Etiquette The most authoritative and comprehensive text of its kind, Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands, 2nd Edition is your must-have guide to proper international business protocol.