Academic Integrity & Plagiarism: Home
OSU's Academic Integrity Polices and Procedures
- Oklahoma State University Academic Integrity PolicyThis document contains the Academic Integrity policy and procedure information for students, faculty, and staff.
- FAQ's: A Student’s Guide to Academic Integrity at Oklahoma State UniversityThis document reviews the most frequently asked questions (FAQ's) asked by students and their answers concerning OSU's Academic Integrity Policy.
- OSU's Academic Affairs: "Violations of Academic Integrity" WebpageOn this page of OSU's Academic Affairs office, they provide a list of violations against academic integrity along with resources for students, instructors, and facilitators.
"What is Academic Integrity & Plagiarism?" Video and Article Resources
- "What is Academic Integrity?" Video by RMIT University LibraryThe Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) gives a quick but thorough video explanation of pillars that make up academic integrity such as "honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility in learning, teaching and research" (Exemplary Academic Integrity Project (EAIP). Students watching this video will be able to define academic integrity and give examples that break the ethical code of academic integrity.
- "Academic Integrity vs. Academic Dishonesty" by Tegan George and Jack Caulfield via ScribbrEducation administrator Tegan George and writer Jack Caufield (2023) define academic integrity vs. academic dishonesty, examine the importance academic integrity, give examples of academic dishonesty beyond plagiarism, and frequently asked questions students may have about academic integrity and/or academic dishonesty.
- "What is Plagiarism?" Video with Jessica Liu from ScribbrJessica Liu from Scribbr describes and defines plagiarism, "the consequences of plagiarism, and the 5 types of plagiarism you're most likely to encounter" while working on assignments and/or assessments in college (Scribbr, 2020).
- "What is Plagiarism? Definitions and Examples" Article by ScribbrThis article by Scribbr examines the basics of plagiarism, gives examples that are lesser known (i.e., over quoting), addresses common questions and FAQ's, and shares tools and resources (and many sub topics).
- Plagiarism Lecture Slides from Scribbr for Instructor and Student UseThe following PowerPoint is a free resource from Scribbr and is based off their "How to avoid plagiarism,' article which is located here: This link has also been provided in the resource icon.
Academic Integrity & Plagiarism Tutorials
- Plagiarism Tutorial via the University Libraries at The University of Southern MississippiThis tutorial has a pre-tutorial quiz with self check enabled, lists student learning outcomes, includes different types of plagiarism (i.e., self-plagiarism), and briefly discusses ethics of plagiarism. There is also a post assessment. At the end students receive a certificate of completion that can be handed in to their instructor.
- Academic Integrity Tutorial by UMGCThere are 6 modules altogether with multiple lessons in each module. The 1st module deals with plagiarism and academic integrity as well as a focus on research questions. Each module takes about 20-25 minutes to complete, so students should be aware of how much time is needed and instructors aware of how much time is involved if you assigning multiple modules.
- Referencing and academic integrity | University of SussexThe are multiple mini modules and students can choose which topic they would like to learn about (i.e., Why do I need to reference?) The videos include transcripts and simple, 4-question quizzes over each section. There are also case studies/student stories for students to reflect on.