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A&M Consortium: FOLIO New Users (Courtesy Cards): Home

Instructisons for creating Courtesy Card accounts for OSU-STW.


New Users (Courtesy Cards)

New Accounts (Community members)
This guide was created using OSU-STW policies. However, the instructions below can be applied at other A&M Consortium institutions by changing the patron group to appropriate status and following your institution's protocol for generating a barcode for community members. 

Courtesy Card Overview (For OSU-STW)

Courtesy card patrons are patrons of the community. As a state funded library, our resources are available to all residents (18 years of age or older) of Oklahoma. Courtesy card patrons are allowed to check out up to 10 items for 30 days, with the option to renew them every month.

If a patron would like to become a courtesy card member to check out books and DVDs, they will need to have an Oklahoma address and a driver's license/state ID. To start, the patron will need to fill out a courtesy card form (found here or on R:\Communication\Print on Demand\Forms). Have the patron fill out the top part of the form – as a note, they must provide a middle initial (unless they really do not have one) and a birthdate for billing purposes. They will also need an OSU library card – if you or your department need any, please contact Lailah to have more delivered to your department.

FOLIO Instructions for Making a New Account

To make the account, follow the steps below:

Navigate to the Users app and click “Actions” and then “New”.

Fill in the marked fields below. The patron group MUST be OKS-OSU-Affiliate-C (Affiliate-SP and Affiliate-Z are separate programs).

Once the account is made, you can give the patron the laminated card and they are able to check out books that same day.