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The Angie Debo Collection: Processing Notes


While packing, Archives staff made a special effort to maintain Debo's papers in the order in which she had kept them. During subsequent reviews, staff determined that Debo had placed some folders and papers where they were in the files rather than elsewhere because of lack of space or for convenience. While some reorganization was necessary to improve researchers' access to the material, staff made an effort to maintain Debo's file folder headings, adding clarifying notes as needed, as well as the order in which she placed material in the folders.

Debo kept distinct files of material related to each book she wrote or edited. Library staff separated these and files concerning her other publications and public presentations as sub-units. The remaining files were in more than one alphabet and there were several groups of material, since not all had been in file drawers. Staff then sorted out those files which were "Personal" and contained information about Debo's family or herself, including correspondence which she had kept separate from that to which she had assigned headings and placed in the filing cabinets. After this step was completed, the remaining files dealt with subjects and were basically in two alphabets; one contained more general topics and the other more material related to Native Americans. The decision was made to separate out as much of the material on Native Americans as possible and make it a subseries separate from the general subjects.

Correspondence is throughout the files. Most general personal correspondence is in the "Personal" files, while that which is more topical is in the subject files or those related to her publications.


Personnel involved in processing the collection include: Heather Lloyd, department head and director; David Moore, graduate assistant and processor; Eric Leuschner, staff assistant and database manager; Susan Walker, assistant librarian and photographs processor; and Milan Vajda, graduate assistant and microfilm monitor. Several students also assisted in the project.