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Patent and Trademark Resource Center at Oklahoma State University: Home

Welcome to the Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC)

The Patent and Trademark Resource Center at Oklahoma State University, 501 Edmon Low Library, has been designated by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to support the intellectual property needs of the public. The USPTO is the federal agency for granting U.S. patents and registering federal trademarks.

The OSU PTRC provides assistance at no charge by appointment with preliminary patent and trademark research and assists researchers in locating resources at the USTPO. See the Searching Patents section, also PTRC Basic Resources.

We also provide instruction and develop course-specific online resource guides.

Patent and Trademark Resource Centers are located nationwide.

Contact a patent/trademark attorney for a complete search, legal advice, and submission of a patent or trademark application.

See the IP Identifier at the USPTO: Learn to identify and protect your intellectual property.

The full-text of patents by number are available via Google Patents.

USPTO Events Calendar

USPTO Office of Public Engagement

Council for Inclusive Innovation

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A search of all prior art, including patented and patent pending inventions in the U.S,, should be conducted in order to determine if an invention has been publicly disclosed and is therefore not patentable.

A preliminary patent search is useful as an initial survey in determining whether or not an invention has already been publicly disclosed. It is not equal to a complete, professional search of all prior art in existence, which includes both U.S. and foreign patents, also non-patented literature such as technical papers and articles.

The OSU Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) is a partner with U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and assists inventors with preliminary patent and trademark research by appointment.

OSU PTRC staff cannot:

  • Perform patent or trademark searches for users
  • Provide advice on how to file a patent or trademark application
  • Interpret intellectual property law
  • Offer legal advice or opinions

Contact a patent attorney for a complete, professional search. A list of registered attorneys and agents in the U.S. is available on the USPTO website. Search by city or state:

PTRC at Oklahoma State University

USPTO databases are online and we are able to assist you by phone and email. For search assistance or to schedule an appointment please contact us at 405 744-6546 or email

We cannot perform a search or give legal advice.

The USPTO cannot provide legal advice, enforce legal rights, or recommend specific private attorneys.


A preliminary patent search is a two-step process. Identify relevant patents using keywords in Google Patents and identify classifications, and then search classifications using USPTO databases.

After identifying relevant patents in Google Patents, contact us for assistance with searching the relevant CPC classifications at USPTO for a more complete search.

Also check Google, Amazon, trade journals, etc. to see if similar products already exist.

USPTO Services and Locations

Citing Patents

Plant Patents