Entomology and Plant Pathology: E References
Encyclopedia of Entomology by
ISBN: 9781402063596Publication Date: 2008-08-28Offers an overview of insects and their close relatives. This encyclopedia includes insect classification, behavior, ecology, genetics and evolution, physiology, and management, and references to relevant literature.Entomology by
ISBN: 9781402031830Publication Date: 2005-10-01Clear writing style continues to keep Entomology near the top of the class as a text for senior undergraduates, and for graduate students and professionals seeking an introduction to specific entomological topics. The author s long-held belief that an introductory entomology course should present a balanced treatment of the subject is reflected in the continued arrangement of the book in four sections: Evolution and Diversity, Anatomy and Physiology, Reproduction and Development, and Ecology.Plant Pathology by
ISBN: 9781588297990Publication Date: 2008-12-12In Plant Pathology: Techniques and Protocols, expert researchers provide methods which are vital to the diagnosis of plant diseases across the globe, addressing all three categories of plant pathology techniques: traditional, serological, and nucleic acid. Chapters examine recent and developing issues with crop identity and authenticity, allowing workers to genotype samples from two major food groups.Integrated Management of Diseases Caused by Fungi, Phytoplasma and Bacteria by
ISBN: 9781402085703Publication Date: 2008-09-11The third volume of the series covers, in three Sections, emerging issues in the integrated management of main diseases of perennial and annual crops. The chapters provide basic data about the diseases concerned, in order to facilitate their detection and recognition either by field and laboratory inspection, discussing the main management possibilities experienced by farmers, plant pathologists and consultants, in different areas of the world.Westcott's Plant Disease Handbook by
ISBN: 9781402045851Publication Date: 2008-05-06Presents the taxonomic changes in fungi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes, diseases and hosts for known plant-pathogens. This book includes: changes in chemicals and pesticides and changes in regulations governing their use, and integrated pest management and biological control. It provides cross references, indexes, and images of 34 diseases.Encyclopedia of Insects by
ISBN: 9780123741448Publication Date: 2009-07-22Covering all aspects of insect anatomy, physiology, evolution, behavior, reproduction, ecology, and disease, as well as issues of exploitation, conservation, and management, this book sets the standard in entomology. The second edition of this reference will continue the tradition by providing the most comprehensive, useful, and up-to-date resource for professionals. Expanded sections in forensic entomology, biotechnology and Drosphila, reflect the full update of over 300 topics. Articles contributed by over 260 high profile and internationally recognized entomologists provide definitive facts regarding all insects from ants, beetles, and butterflies to yellow jackets, zoraptera, and zygentoma.Microbial-Mediated Induced Systemic Resistance in Plants by
ISBN: 9789811003875Publication Date: 2016-03-31The book focuses on recent research concerning interactions between plant-growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPMs) and plants under biotic stress. It addresses key concernssuch as - 1.The response of benignmicrobes that benefitplants under biotic stress 2.The physiological changes incurred in plants under harsh conditions 3.The role of microbial determinants in promoting plant growth under biotic stress Thebook focuses on a range of aspects related to PGPMs such as their mode of action, priming of plant defence and plant growth in disease challenged crops, multifunctional bio-fertilizers, PGPM-mediated disease suppression, and the effect of PGPMs on secondary metabolites etc.The New Encyclopedia of Insects and Their Allies by
ISBN: 9780198525059Publication Date: 2009Written by the world’s leading experts in entomology, the accounts are accessible to both scientific and general readers. Taking each group in turn, from millipedes to mantids and from spiders to scorpions, this volume provides a summary of the current scientific understanding of this fascinating group of animals. Exceptionally illustrated with specially commissioned artwork illuminating the text, this work is the one-stop guide to the host of largely unseen 'mini-beasts' that share our world.