OpenOKState: Home
What is OER?
Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning resources intentionally created and licensed for use, re-use, and modification at no additional cost to the end-user.
Textbooks which are legally free to get, keep, share, and modify.
Why use OER?
The cost of traditionally published textbooks continues to rise. The open licensing of OER means you can access them for free, have them available at the beginning of class, and can keep them as long as you want. No purchases, no rental fees, no digitally protected material.
Textbooks are expensive. So is life. OER can help.
How can OER help OSU students?
When the textbook is free, you don’t have to wait to see if you ‘really’ need it, risking missed material or assignments at the beginning of the semester. Some OSU instructors are already using OER; many others want to begin incorporating them into their courses. The OSU Library has an OER team working to increase campus awareness of OER and helping professors find, adopt, and adapt OER for their courses.
Zero dollars. First day access.
What can you do?
- Take a class that uses OER.
- Join or form a student body organization advocating for solutions to textbook affordability.
- Ask your professors if they know about and are willing to use Open Educational Resources.
- Share your suggestions with us about how to support the use of OER at OSU.