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FAST START Workshop Series for Research Support at OSU: Workshop descriptions

FAST START Workshops cover a range of topics to introduce OSU faculty and graduate students to research support resources.


Faculty, postdocs, and graduate students at OSU often struggle to find the information and tools they need to launch their research projects and programs. This semester the OSU Library will be offering another FAST START series of workshops intended to provide an overview of the many research services, support, and resources offered here at OSU. It is a great opportunity to learn “The Cowboy Way” and meet folks from across campus who can answer questions and connect you with resources.  Descriptions for workshops are listed below.

Workshops are one hour in length and may be taught online or in person. Participants will need to register separately for each workshop that they are interested in. Zoom links for virtual workshops will be provided with your confirmation email.

View and register for Fall 2024 FAST START workshops here!


Workshop Descriptions

FAST START Workshops

Workshop Title Instructor Description
Technology Commercialization with Cowboy Innovations: Seeking Research Born Innovations Amanda Aker, Russell Hopper, Jai Hari Rajendran, Daniel Will, & John Nickel Patents are a valuable resource to the research process as they are rich in enabled technical information. Cowboy Innovations at Oklahoma State University provides seamless connections between Oklahoma State University research and industry to accelerate innovative solutions to market and develop collaborative engagements spanning the region, state, and worldwide. Learn about OSU’s Office Technology Commercialization’s commercialization/tech transfer process and how to identify and disclose innovations and inventions. Cowboy Innovations also provides engagement opportunities, NSF ICORPS programs, and a mentor network through Brightest Orange Ventures. Other resources on campus include the Patent and Trademark Resource Center for preliminary patent and trademark research and the New Product Development Center for prototype development. Patents issued to Oklahoma State University are available in the ShareOK repository,
Literature Review Essentials Clarke Iakovakis An introduction to a range of subscription library databases (such as Scopus, Academic Search Premier, and others), web based search tools (such as Google Scholar, Lens, Dimensions), browser plugins (such as Unpaywall and scite) to conduct literature reviews. The session will also cover citation tracking, creating alerts, exporting and saving citations, and much more.
Major Changes to Federal Funding Requirements Clarke Iakovakis

There have recently been some significant announcements related to requirements for federal agencies conducting research and/or awarding funds. In 2021, the White House issued a memorandum (NSPM-33) requiring agencies to establish policies related to the use of persistent identifiers (namely, ORCIDs) for researchers’ disclosure of information during funding application and reporting workflows. Beginning in January 2023, all funding applications to the National Institutes of Health are required to include a Data Management and Sharing Plan outlining how scientific data and any accompanying metadata will be managed and shared, regardless of whether the data are used to support scholarly publication. In August 2022, the Office of Science & Technology Policy issued a memorandum requiring agencies to develop and submit policies for making publications and their supporting data resulting from federally funded research publicly accessible immediately upon publication.

Searching Engineering Databases Kevin Drees

This workshop will detail how to search Compendex, Scopus, and IEEE for engineering topics. This will include expanding a topic for a literature review, creating keyword alerts, and placing references in EndNote.

Technical Standards Kevin Drees Learn how to search and locate technical standards. Engineers and scientists rely on technical standards to provide definitions and explanations. What are standards? Where are they found? What is the role of a standards provider such as IHS Markit? In this workshop you will increase your subject knowledge of standards and answer the basics related to these technical documents.
HPC at OSU Pratul Agarwal This session will cover introduction to the High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources at OSU. There are several large Linux clusters (“Supercomputers”) available free of cost for academic research. These include “Pete”, “Cowboy”, the new GPU-enabled cluster “Bullet” and data storage. Additionally, “TIGER” resource provides virtualized instances in a cloud like environment. This session will cover a description of these resources, how to request accounts, and a list of software and HPC support resources available for research and educational computing.
Avoiding Research Misconduct Christine Johnson Research is more than just developing a project and compiling data. Beginning with your literature review and ending with communicating your results, there are rules and guidelines to be sure that you are working ethically. Christine Johnson is the Associate Vice President for Research at Oklahoma State University. She will explain research misconduct and discuss topics such as authorship disputes, plagiarism (including self-plagiarism), image modification and the importance of careful record-keeping. Come hear about research integrity, how to work with the OSU Division of Research to avoid misconduct and how to anonymously report it if you have concerns.
Better Data Management Kay Bjornen Research data is a valuable resource. Careful management practices reduce mistakes, improve research reproducibility and facilitate publishing and sharing data. Better practices for different phases of the research data cycle will be discussed including planning for data collection, file management, data security, options for data storage during the project and long term storage of data for sharing after the project is complete. Planning for data management is also a critical part of developing a written data management plan, or DMP, for funding proposals. Please join us and learn these important skills in order to get your research project off to a great start.
Drilling Down on Data Management Plans Kay Bjornen Data Management Plans (DMPs) are an often overlooked tool for effectively planning how and where to store, describe and archive your research data so that it is secure and discoverable. Planning for your DMP in advance will assure that your next grant submission will be straightforward. In this workshop we will look at the components of a DMP required by federal funding agencies, including the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan which will go into effect January 25, 2023. We will review tools such as to help find templates for specific agencies and the use of Open Science Framework for project management and as a generalist data repository. Participants are encouraged to bring DMPs that they have used or are preparing for questions or group discussion.
Search and Analyze Patent and Scholarly Data with Clarke Iakovakis & Suzanne Reinman

Bridging the cultures of scholarly research with invention and industry, allows for searching of both patent and scholarly data. With advanced search capabilities, filtering, sorting, graphics, and export options. includes 141 million patent records and over 200 million open access scholarly records with links to ORCID. Learn to search both the Patent and Scholarly Search and Analysis databases to supplement traditional literature searches.

Getting Started with EndNote Victor Baeza EndNote is a useful and time-saving software program for managing bibliographies and references, allowing labs and research teams to collect and share citations online. This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of using Endnote, which will include creating and adding references to an EndNote library, organizing and managing citations, annotating PDFs, using EndNote with Microsoft Word for in-text citations and bibliographies, and using EndNote Web to save and share citations.
Introduction to ArcGIS Pro Kevin Dyke For many research projects across a variety of disciplines, visualizing spatial data is a frequent requirement. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be used not only to create basic maps, but can uncover patterns and raise new questions about your data. In this session you will learn the basics of digital mapmaking and spatial analysis using Esri’s ArcGIS Pro software.
IRB Question & Answer Beth Weichold & Jen Wolny Dawnett Watkins is the manager of the OSU Institutional Review Board (IRB). She will give a brief overview of the purpose of the IRB and describe what you can anticipate when you submit a project for review. The second half of the workshop will be available for asking questions about preparing your own projects for submission.
Getting Started with Experts Directory Clarke Iakovakis Experts Directory is the faculty research information management system, allowing you to review and add data to create your online profile at This session is intended to help you get started populating your Experts Directory profile, claim Scopus and ORCID identifiers, review and manage publications and grants, add your professional service, and more in your Experts Directory profile.
Designing a Research Poster Kevin Dyke Learn tips for designing an effective research poster. What size should it be? What fonts should you use? What are the best practices for pictures and graphs? Find out answers to these questions and also learn about the library's free poster printing service.
Getting Started with Servers on Cloud Nikhil Motwani This session focuses on creating a virtual server by assigning hardware resources to host applications on the cloud, assigning IP addresses, and installing basic system software.
Graduate College Round-Up Q&A Richard Shepard An informal overview of the forms and resources for current graduate students.  Special attention will be given to the GC Round-Up system, which is the home for most of the forms required by the Graduate College.
Introduction to the 360° Critical Skills for Career Success Carol Powers The 360° Critical Skills for Career Success professional development program is designed to give graduate students a framework for approaching their professional development. Join Dr. Carol Powers, Assistant Dean of the Graduate College, for this session to learn more about the structure of the program, the range of programming offered and get a glimpse of the many activities we have planned for the coming academic year.
Best Practices for Presenting Online Cristina Colquhoun Presenting to an online audience is a very different experience than presenting face-to-face. Regardless of your role or reason for presenting online, this virtual session will help you get ready to create and execute an effective online presentation (live or prerecorded) by exploring the details of three phrases: Planning purposefully, setting up the presentation space, and preparing audio/visual settings. Participants will leave with an easy-reference checklist that can be revisited at any time!
Mentoring Opportunities in Undergraduate Research Latasha Tasci Learn about existing programs at OSU that provide funding and support for undergraduate students interested in pursuing research, and why you might consider becoming a mentor. Programs include the Freshman Research Scholars Program, Wentz and Purdie Research Scholars, Niblack Research Scholars, OK-LSAMP, and McNair Scholars.
IT Resources and Services for Research Raj Murthy Enterprise Information Technology will be sharing who we are and the services we provide. We will be distinguishing between enterprise IT and departmental IT as well as outlining the resources available to them to assist in their endeavors. Contact information and additional places to access IT services will be provided.
Text and Data Mining in JSTOR Megan Macken & Brandon Katzir JSTOR offers millions of documents for text analysis in its new platform, Constellate. This workshop will provide an introduction to Constellate’s tutorials, tools, and datasets. Participants will create their own datasets, visualizations, and notebooks during the workshop. We will also briefly cover other tools from JSTOR Labs, including Text Analyzer and Juncture.
Sponsored Research: An Overview of the Proposal and Award Process Christine Johnson Every institution operates differently in terms of the grants and contracts process. This session will provide a high-level overview of sponsored programs (i.e., grants, contracts, cooperative agreements) at OSU. Christine Johnson is the Associate Vice President for Research, and she will provide essential ‘need to know’ aspects of sponsored research at OSU, including the proposal preparation and submission process, minimum proposal documents for internal review, typical timelines for internal proposal routing/review, and the award process.
Wikidata: Visualizing and Mining Data from the World's Knowledge Base Megan Macken & Brandon Katzir You know what Wikipedia is, but what about Wikidata? Find out more about this collaborative data source, how to contribute data, and how to access existing data for research and visualization.
Overview of Library Services for Faculty and Student Researchers and Instructors Matt Upson This session will provide a basic overview of the services, spaces, and resources available to support faculty and graduate students. Time for Q&A will be provided. Note: This presentation is identical to what was offered during New Faculty Orientation.
Introduction to OSU Carpentries
(not offered 2022)
Clarke Iakovakis & Kay Bjornen The Carpentries is a global, volunteer led organization whose mission is to introduce researchers to coding and computing. The Carpentries at OSU has been teaching regular workshops on such tools as Python, R, SQL, Git, OpenRefine and Unix Shell for more than five years. Workshops are free and taught for participants with no prior experience. In this introductory workshop we will describe the Carpentries Code of Conduct and teaching philosophy, provide examples of how the different tools are applied as well as changes made to instruction now that workshops are offered online. The OSU Carpentries community is active and growing. Come find out if how you can be a part of it and if it is a good fit for you or for your students.
Publishing Essentials: Selecting Journals, Avoiding Predatory Publishers, Understanding Open Access, and Exercising Your Rights as an Author
(not offered 2022)
Clarke Iakovakis This course is intended for both new and experienced authors. It will cover a wide range of topics, including tools and methods for evaluating journal quality; defining and identifying "predatory" publishers; understanding open access journals; interpreting your publishing agreement; and exercising your rights to make your peer reviewed manuscripts openly available
Digital Tools for Humanities Research
(not offered 2022)
Megan Macken Expand your traditional Humanities or Social Sciences research using digital tools. This workshop will introduce you to methods, tools, and platforms for digital humanities and social science research. Topics covered may include visualizing digital archives data with Gale Digital Scholar Lab, text analysis with JSTOR's Constellate and the HathiTrust Research Center, and designing web-based digital projects. Please bring your ideas and questions. No prior experience with digital tools required!
Resources for Text and Data Mining Megan Macken Discover resources for mining the content of journals, digital archives, government documents, books, and social media. Topics covered will include locating content, dealing with roadblocks, and identifying tools for acquiring and analyzing data.
Information Literacy and Library Instruction Essentials
(not offered 2022)
Holly Reiter Teaching information literacy is the dual responsibility of faculty and librarians. In an ever-changing, fast-paced information environment, it is imperative that students learn effective skills for finding, accessing, evaluating, and using information sources. This workshop will introduce you to information literacy: what it is and why it is important. It will also share best practices for creating library research assignments and ways to collaborate with librarians to teach information literacy skills in your classes.
Copyright Essentials for Teaching Clarke Iakovakis This course will cover what you need to know in order to use materials in your teaching without committing copyright infringement. A wide range of topics will be covered, including e-book and article licensing terms; uploading, linking and embedding content in Canvas; a comparison of laws governing face-to-face and virtual teaching; streaming videos; and conducting fair use assessments.
Building Your Online Research Identity
(not offered 2022)
Clarke Iakovakis Learn about platforms for establishing your professional identity online, including an overview of the pros and cons of various online profile tools, alternative methods for disseminating your research findings, an analysis of research on sharing pre-prints, and the benefits of sharing other products of your scholarship such as data, conference slides, and posters.