A&M Consortium: FOLIO Page Requests: Home
How to print, process and cancel Folio paging slips
Sorting Requests
Open the Requests app in Folio. On the left-hand side of the screen, you can filter the request results by Request Type. Until you choose one of these request types, nothing will be displayed. To print the pick slips for pages that have not been filled, filter your results by Request type = Pages and Request status = Open – Not yet filled. This will display all of the open page requests that have not been pulled for the entire consortia.
Printing Page Slips
Unfortunately, Folio does not allow sorting by item location, but you can print pull slips for items located at your current service point. In the top right corner of the screen, click on the Actions button. On the drop down click Print pick slips for OKS-OSU “Branch”.
For example, if your service point in Folio is set as OKS-OSU Main, it will generate the pick slips for all "Open – Not yet filled" pages for items in the Main Library. If you are logged into OKS-OSU ETL it will generate any page requests for items located at ETL. The pick slips will open in a pop-up window where you can print or send to PDF.
Pulled Page Requests
Once the pick slips have been printed, pull the items being requested. Go to the Check in app in Folio and scan the barcode for each item being requested. If the pick-up location for the item is at a different branch, a pop-up window will appear saying the item needs to be routed to another library. For example, if a patron has requested an item at the Architecture Library and wants to pick it up at the Main Library, when the item is checked in, Folio will tell you to route the item to the Main Library. You will be given the option to print a routing slip. Please note that the routing pop-up and the routing slip do not indicate the item is being routed for a request.
These requests will move from the “Open – Not yet filled” status to “Open – In Transit.” Place the pick slip in the book and route to the receiving branch. If the item being paged is located at the requested pick-up location, the routing pop-up will not occur.
Activating the Request
Once the item arrives at the library location for pick-up, or If the item being paged is located at the requested pick-up location, it will need to be checked in again to activate the request . Go to the Check in app in Folio and scan each barcode. A pop-up will appear stating that the item is awaiting pickup for a request. You will be given the option to print a slip.
At this point, Folio will send a notification to the patron that their requested item is available. Items are given a one week expiration date. Items not picked up by the expiration date will need to be pulled the next day, scanned in the Check in app, and routed for reshelving.
Cancelling Requests
If an item cannot be found on the shelf, the request will need to be cancelled in Folio. Open the Requests app, and limit your search results to Open – not yet filled. Click on the request you need to cancel. A side window will open to the right with the request information. Click on the blue Actions button in the top right corner and click Cancel Request.
A new window will pop up asking you to confirm the cancellation. Under Reason for Cancellation choose Item Missing. In the Additional information for patron field, paste the following message: We may be able to borrow this item from another library. Please place an Interlibrary Loan request here: https://illiad-s.library.okstate.edu/illiad/logon.html