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A&M Consortium: FOLIO Courses Documentation: Finding Courses and Reserve Items

Instructions for how to use the Courses app in the FOLIO tenantOklahoma for the A&M Consortium.

Finding Courses

In the Courses app, a list of all courses is displayed by default. The Search and filter panel allows you to search for a specific course or filter the list.

Searching for a specific course

To search for a specific course, select courses in the Search & Filter panel. You can search by keyword in the following fields by using the pull down menu in the Search and Filter panel on the left side of the app:

Seach and Filter Panel in Courses App

Filter Options:

You can filter the list of courses and your search parameters by the following criteria by using the filter options on the Search and Filter panel on the left side of the app:

  • By Department: You can use the department filter option to filter the list of courses to a specific A&M campus. You can select multiple departments at once.
  • By Course Type: This allows you filter the course list by course type. Currently, our tenant only has In-Person or Online course type set up
  • By Term: You can filter the list of courses by terms set by your institution.
  • By Location: If you have multiple reserves locations on your campus, you can also filter the list of courses by location. You can either scroll through the list of locations, or you can type the name of the location into the search box under location. You can select more than one location at a time.


Finding Reserve Items

A list of all items on reserve can be displayed by selecting the Reserves button in the Search & Filter panel.

You can also use the Search & Filter panel to filter and/ or search for individual items that have been put on reserve:

Reserves options in the seach and filter panel

You can perform a keyword search for your item. You can search reserve items by title, barcode or call number by selecting these limiters from the drop down menu.

You can also filter the list of reserve items and your search parameters by Processing Status, Copyright Status, Permanent Location, Temporary Location or Term.

Additional Documentation

This guide covers specific instructions on using course settings for the Oklahoma consortium’s FOLIO tenant. Additional information about Courses settings in FOLIO can also be found at: