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The Next Great Idea Pitch Competition: Home

About the Competition

The competition goal is to inspire library faculty, staff and student employees to think outside the box and develop creative programs and projects that will fulfill the OSU Library's Mission and Vision. Proposals must have a clear, concise connection to the Library's Mission and Vision with benefit to the Library and students.

OSU Library Mission Statement: We exist as a resource to expand the learning potential of students and citizens of our state and to enhance the teaching and research capabilities of our faculty.

OSU Library Vision Statement: We will be the best performing land-grant university library as measured by resource access and use by OSU students, faculty and the citizens of the state. We will deliver these resources in a user-friendly and service-oriented manner. Our constituents will consider us the preferred provider of learning and research information.

2024 Competition Timeline

Registration deadline: 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 23

Registration asks for your name, employment status, title of your project and two-sentence summary.

Pitch Competition: Friday April 26

8 a.m.: Proposal form due. Complete your proposal by detailing the desired impact or outcome of your pitch, the proposed timeline and description of the needed resources and funding.

10:30 a.m.: Participants will have five minutes to pitch their idea to a panel of judges. All Library employees are invited to watch the competition, which will be held in the Peggy V. Helmerich Browsing Room.

Winners announced

People's Choice and Judges' Choice winners will be announced at the pitch competition. Winning pitches may be launched immediately if funding is available, or pitches may slated for future funding opportunities. Participants whose projects are selected will be required to complete progress reports, which will be shared In the Loop.


  • Notecards are permitted.
  • Props (e.g. costumes, musical instruments, equipment, etc.) are permitted.
  • PowerPoint or additional electronic media (e.g., sound and video files) are NOT permitted.
  • The pitch must tie in to the Library's mission and vision and focus on service, students, programs, research and/or learning.
  • Pitches are limited to 5 minutes.
  • Participants should inform their supervisor/department head of their participation.
  • Participants must register by 5 p.m. on April 23 and submit a complete proposal by 8 a.m. April 26. 
  • To encourage free thinking and creativity, no funding ceilings have been set.

Judging criteria

  • Presentation: Was topic and its significance communicated in language appropriate to a lay audience? Did presentation help audience understand project or idea? Did presentation make audience want to know more?
  • Strategy: Does the pitch provide a clear, concise connection to the Library Mission and Vision statements?
  • Impact: Does the idea offer a benefit to the Library? Does the idea offer a benefit to students? Does the pitch include reasonable projected outcomes?
  • Logistics: Does the pitch include thoughtful consideration of needed resources and a clear funding request?