Statistics: Home
A guide to OSU library resources for students and staff in Statistics
Start with:
- MathSciNetSearchable web database providing access to over 55 years of mathematical reviews and current mathematical publications from 1940 to present day.
- ScopusScopus is a large abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.
- Statistical InsightProQuest Statistical Insight, formerly called LexisNexis Statistical, is a bibliographic database that indexes and abstracts the statistical content of selected United States government publications, state government publications, business and association publications, and intergovernmental publications. Our coverage is 2007 - present.
Then try:
- Data.govProvides access to over 315,000 data sets that cover federal, state, and local government and a variety of other topics.
- Project EuclidProject Euclid is a collaborative partnership between Cornell University Library and Duke University Press which seeks to advance scholarly communication in theoretical and applied mathematics and statistics through partnerships with independent and society publishers. Project Euclid hosts both open access journals and monographs, as well as its Prime collection of peer-reviewed titles.
- StatistaStatista consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources. It includes insights and facts across 600 industries and 50+ countries.
Other statistics resources at Edmon Low
- Math Learning Success Center (MLSC)The MLSC is a welcoming, inclusive environment for studying mathematics. We offer FREE tutoring for MATH-prefix courses. You don't need to make an appointment, just come up to the 5th floor of the Edmon Low Library during our hours of operation. Bring your course materials and be ready to connect with classmates, tutors, and instructors.