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Library Travel Procedures: Home

Outline of Library Travel Process

  1. Traveler determines they will be attending a future conference or meeting for work
  2. Traveler fills out the Travel/Funding Request Form, entering all pertinent information
  3. Traveler will receive an email confirmation with their request form attached
    • Approver will also receive form once submitted with appropriate email address in Approver field
  4. Approver will forward the approved request form to
  5. Paige will process the request form, submitting the request into AIRS if needed
    • Out-of-state and Out-of-country trips must be approved in AIRS at least two weeks before travel
  6. Traveler will receive email from libtrav confirming the details of the trip and initiating the email thread for reimbursement
  7. Once traveler returns from trip, they reply to the libtrav email thread with the necessary receipts/documentation for the reimbursement
  8. Paige will process the reimbursement in AIRS

Attachment Checklist for Reimbursements

  • Mileage
    • google map pdf
  • Lodging
    • itemized hotel receipt with proof of payment (like a $0 remaining balance or "paid by card xxxx")
    • proof of designated lodging from conference OR the GSA lodging rate pdf
  • Per Diem
    • GSA per diem rate pdf
  • Registration
    • Conference documentation showing dates and times of meetings (i.e. agenda)
    • Receipt showing amount and proof of payment (like a $0 remaining balance or "paid by card xxxx")
  • Airfare
    • Your airfare receipt showing proof of payment (like a $0 remaining balance or "paid by card xxxx")
    • Concur airfare rate pdf
  • Local Transportation
    • Taxi Receipt
    • Bus Receipt
    • etc.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Baggage Receipt
    • Toll Receipt
    • etc.

AIRS Information

OSU AIRS ( is the site used to review/approve out-of-state and out-of-country travel requests, and review/approve all travel related reimbursements. To approve a travel request or a reimbursement, log in to AIRS using your okey. You'll select Travel (the suitcase icon) inside the Employee box, then you will select Awaiting Approval (the green check mark icon). There you should see any trips that are pending your approval.

Also on the AIRS Menu, in the Employee box, you'll see "Travel-Anthony (Booking)" which is the airplane icon. This is where you can go to browse flight itineraries and prices.

Airfare Guidelines



  • Airfare may be purchased directly (by the Library) from a state-contracted travel agency. 
    • Currently, Anthony Travel (Concur) is the only state-contracted travel agency
    • You may browse the airfare rates on Anthony Travel (Concur) if you go to, log in with your okey, and select the Airfare icon
  • Paige will book all direct airfare for the library
    • A screenshot of your preferred flight itinerary will be requested if your flight is being booked directly
    • Before Paige books your flight for the first time, you will need to add her as a Travel Arranger on your Anthony/Concur Profile
      • Once logged in to Anthony/Concur, select profile settings in the upper right hand corner
      • On the left side, under Travel Settings, select Assistants/Arrangers
      • You'll hit the red plus sign to add search for Paige using, then save!
      • You can edit other airfare profile preferences on this page as well
  • Airfare may be obtained from other sources, such as websites like Travelocity, Expedia,, etc.  However, a comparison quote from Anthony/Concur must be provided.  OSU will only reimburse up to the lowest quote from Anthony/Concur.
    • Travelers can obtain their own Anthony/Concur quote and attach it to an email to libtrav. If traveler does not, Paige will save a comparison quote at the time of request, if traveler has indicated they are purchasing their own ticket.
  • Flight changes are only allowed for business reasons, emergencies or if a cost savings can be shown.  If a flight change occurs, a memo should be attached to the voucher stating the reason for the flight change.  If the traveler just wants to return home early, the flight change is not reimbursable.
  • A flight itinerary should be attached to the voucher to show the approximate departure and arrival dates and times.
  • Airfare for out-of-state travel must be for coach/economy airfare.  A traveler is allowed to fly business class for out-of-country travel, including Alaska and Hawaii.

Lodging Guidelines


  • It's best to stay at a conference designated lodging site. If you have the documentation showing it is designated, you will get full reimbursement.
    • To be considered a designated hotel, one of three conditions must be met: 1) discounted room rate, 2) a block of rooms is reserved for the conference or 3) the conference takes place in that hotel.
    • Documentation would be a pdf of the conference website where it lists the hotel and shows one of the above conditions
    • “Recommended” or “preferred” hotels do not qualify as designating a hotel.
  • If there's no designated lodging, then check the GSA Daily lodging rates for the city you will be staying to find the maximum reimbursable rate. Stay at a hotel that has a daily rate equal to or below that listed rate for full reimbursement.
    • You can stay at a hotel that is more expensive, but your reimbursement will be limited to the GSA rate plus tax.
  • Lodging bill should be itemized, if possible, and have a zero balance or show an effective balance of zero.
    • If the bill does not have a zero balance, please attach a credit card statement showing payment or contact the hotel to get a copy of the bill with a zero balance.
  • The traveler will only be reimbursed for nights that fall within 24 hours of the start and end of the conference dates for in-state and out-of-state trips, and 48 hours for out-of-country trips.
  • If two travelers who are both conference participants share a hotel room, their allowable nightly lodging rate should be multiplied by two.  E.g. If two travelers stay at a hotel and the designated conference rate is $99 per night, then the two participants are allowed up to $198 per night plus tax.
  • If bad weather affects a trip, such as snow, any additional lodging is reimbursable even if it falls outside the 24/48 hour rule.  A statement must be attached giving an explanation of the need for extra lodging.
  • Lodging reimbursement will only include the room rate plus tax.  Other expenses, such as parking, meals (per diem), business telephone, or internet on the hotel bill are separated out on the reimbursement voucher


Other less common guidelines:

  • Lodging cannot be claimed when the destination is less than 60 map miles from the traveler’s duty station.
  • If the traveler chooses to stay at a hotel that is not designated, he/she will only be reimbursed for taxi, shuttle, or bus between the hotel and conference site if a cost savings at that hotel can be shown.
  • If a designated hotel’s block of rooms is booked up, the traveler’s reimbursable lodging expense will still be limited to the designated hotel’s conference room rate.
  • If a designated hotel is booked up and that hotel refers you to another hotel, that second hotel is only designated if the conference documentation shows the second hotel is designated.  Otherwise it is considered a “recommended” hotel. 
  • Overflow hotels are officially “designated” but only if the conference documentation shows it is designated.
  • For extended stays, the department may opt to rent a home/apartment for the traveler.  In this situation the monthly rent plus utilities cannot exceed the max lodging rate times the number of nights the apartment will be used while on official OSU business.
  • If the hotel bill is in one person’s name, the person whose name is on the hotel bill is the only one who can claim reimbursement for the expense.  That traveler may assign the reimbursement if someone else paid the expense.  If the traveler whose name is NOT on the bill can provide proof of payment such as a credit card statement or canceled check, we will reimburse that person without his/her name on the hotel bill.
  • If the hotel bill is in the name of the traveler’s spouse, the traveler may still be reimbursed for that expense.  Please add a comment stating that the bill is in the spouse’s name. 

Per Diem Guidelines


  • Per diem cannot be claimed for a one-day trip.  A traveler must have an overnight stay in order to claim per diem
  • Per diem reimbursement policies mirror federal per diem policies. 
    • We allow 75% of the per diem rate for the first and last days of the trip and 100% of the per diem rate for each day in between.
  • If claiming per diem, the page showing this per diem rate should be printed and attached to the voucher. The per diem rate for a particular location can be found at
  • Attach the conference agenda to evidence the number of meals provided by the conference.
    • If a conference charges a registration fee, per diem must be reduced by differing amounts depending if a breakfast, lunch or dinner is provided.  The amount to deduct from per diem depends on the per diem rate and can be found on  Exceptions to this rule include: special dress requirements, diet restrictions, conflicting meetings, etc.  If the conference does not charge a registration fee, the meals are not required to be deducted.
    • If the exact amount of the meal is known, per diem must be reduced by the exact amount.  For example, a conference charges a $200 registration and a $50 dinner.  The traveler may claim $250 for registration, but per diem must be reduced by $50 for the cost of the meal.
    • Continental breakfasts are now considered meals.  Box lunches may or may not be considered meals.  The traveler will need to determine if the box lunch would serve as a meal and whether it should be deducted from per diem.
  • Per diem cannot begin more than 1 day prior to the first meeting time and cannot end more than 1 day after the last meeting time for in-state and out-of-state travel.  This rule extends to 2 days for out-of-country travel, and includes Alaska and Hawaii.
  • Per diem may extend beyond 1 or 2 days in cases of bad weather or emergency.  In this case a memo must be attached explaining the need for extra per diem.
  • Tips for meals are included in the per diem.  Per diem covers meals and incidental expenses and the tips are included in the incidental expenses.
  • Federal contracts do not necessarily follow these rules.

Mileage Guidelines


  • Mileage is claimed when driving a personal vehicle.
  • Mileage claimed is the lesser of miles from the traveler’s home to the destination or miles from the traveler’s duty station to the destination on a normal work day. 
    • The same is true of the return trip on a normal work day. 
    • If the travel day is a holiday or weekend, the traveler may claim mileage from his/her home to the destination.
  • Map mileage within the state of Oklahoma or outside Oklahoma should be found on a website such as Mapquest or Google Maps.  This page should be saved and attached to the voucher.
    • To save a google map as a PDF, enter in the starting and ending addresses, click "details" on the route you'll be taking, click the printer icon that appears at the top, then follow the promts to "Print to PDF." (Text only is fine, the map image is not necessary but ok to include.)
  • Personal vehicle license plate tag # is required for mileage reimbursement.
  • When entering starting location and destination into Mapquest or Google Maps, you must use exact addresses.  The traveler’s duty station should also include an exact address. 
    • If the exact address is unknown or cannot be determined, please use odometer readings to determine mileage to the location.  For example, the destination may read “15 miles northwest of Enid.”
  • Mileage may be rounded but only totals may be rounded instead of each one-way mileage. 
    • For example, a trip that is 61.3 miles each way should be added together for a total of 122.6.  Then the total can be rounded up to 123.  Any number .5 and above should be rounded up and under .5 should be rounded down.
  • Mileage to destinations outside of Oklahoma is limited to the lowest coach/economy class airfare quote from Anthony Travel/Concur plus mileage to/from airport plus other expenses, such as baggage fees and airport parking.  Quotes must be attached. 
    • If the traveler is transporting conference materials and/or flying is not feasible, please attach a memo stating this fact and full mileage will be allowed. 
  • If one personal vehicle is used to travel out-of-state for multiple travelers, the mileage will be limited to the lowest airfare quote from Anthony/Concur times the number of travelers in the vehicle plus mileage to/from the airport. 
    • The additional passengers must be on University business and should not be family/friends.
  • If a travel is originating from outside of Oklahoma and the traveler chooses to drive instead of fly, the travel preparer must obtain one airfare quote from Anthony Travel/Concur.  Reimbursement will be limited to lowest cost flight from Anthony Travel/Concur.

Local Transportation Guidelines


  • Taxi/Uber/Lyft are allowed within the State of Oklahoma, however, a reason must be provided explaining the need.  In-state rental car is limited to mileage, unless a cost savings can be provided.  We can also allow in-state rental car, taxi, Uber or Lyft in cases of bad weather, emergency, or disability.
  • Local transportation taken out-of-state, such as rental car, is limited to the coach/economy airfare quote from Anthony/Concur plus mileage to/from the airport.  Other expenses, such as baggage and parking fees can be included in the comparison.
  • When traveling out-of-state, taxi can only be used to travel between the airport and hotel and conference site.  When going out for food or other entertainment, local transportation expense cannot be reimbursed.
  • Tip expense for local transportation cannot exceed $1.00 if the reimbursable fare is $5.00 or less; or 20% of the reimbursable charge when it exceeds $5.00.
  • For all trips in which a rental car was obtained, a business reason must be provided explaining why the rental car was necessary.  The reimbursement will be limited to a prorated portion of the business miles for the rental car.
    • For example, if 200 miles was put on a rental car and 150 miles was considered business, the reimbursable amount will be the cost of the rental car times 150 divided by 200.
    • For rental car reimbursements, we use the Rental Car Justification Form found on OSU's Travel Form webpage
  • Any local transportation receipt that is less than $25.00 does not need a receipt.  The $25.00 limit is per receipt. 

Miscellaneous Expense Guidelines

  • If a traveler takes a trip that includes personal leave, the amount of parking must be prorated for the number of days the traveler was on official OSU business.
  • Most miscellaneous expenses that are less than $25.00 do not need a receipt.  The $25.00 limit is per receipt.
  • If an out-of-state trip is less than seven days, baggage fees are only reimbursable for the first personal bag.  If the trip is longer than seven days, a second personal bag may be reimbursed. 
    • An exception to this is transporting conference materials. If a large amount of conference materials need transported, please attach a memo stating the need for extra baggage fees and they will be reimbursed.
  • Other allowable miscellaneous expenses include: baggage, fuel, passports, visa fees, charges for inoculations, rental car insurance, currency conversion fees, meeting room rental, turnpike tolls, registration, business telephone, internet for business purposes, fax charges, postage, laundry, etc.
    • Note on Registration - if you get sick and cannot attend the conference for which you already paid registration, and you cannot be refunded by the conference, then you can still be reimbursed for the registration you paid.
  • Reimbursement for inoculations should be justified as to the necessity.  Some countries require certain inoculations so justify the need with a memo.
  • Memberships that are included on registration receipts are not reimbursable unless it is an institutional membership (where if the employee leaves OSU, the membership stays with OSU.)  If the membership fee plus the member registration is less expensive than the non-member registration, then the employee may be reimbursed for the membership fee since he/she demonstrated a cost savings.
  • Required Covid tests are a reimbursable expense, however a comment must be added to the voucher stating the test was required, and a signed memo must be attached from the traveler stating they will not request reimbursement from their health insurance company.
  • Foreign transaction fees are also reimbursable.  Copies of credit card statements can be provided to document these fees.

Other Guidelines

  • The meeting dates and times should fall within the dates of the conference agenda.  The agenda should be attached to the travel voucher.  If the traveler is helping to set up or needs to stay after the conference, please attach a memo stating why the meeting times don’t match the agenda.
  • A traveler cannot claim travel expenses AND be paid an honorarium for the same trip by a United States resident.  The travel expenses must be included in the amount of the honorarium.  Exceptions can be made for non-US citizens.
  • If the total amount of actual expenses on a travel voucher exceeds the total estimated amount on the travel request by $50 or more, a memo is required to be attached explaining the reason for the difference.
  • When submitting an out-of-country voucher, foreign currency amounts should be converted to US dollars and those pages should be saved and attached to the voucher.  Do not use the current conversion rate.  Use the date of the transaction to convert currency. 
    • Credit card receipts may be used in lieu of currency conversions to document the correct conversion amounts.
  • All travel requests for out-of-country trips also go to the School of Global Studies office for Board approval. They will contact the traveler with additional information after the request is approved in AIRS.
  • Lost Receipts - Beginning October 1, 2023 the Lost Receipt form is no longer accepted. Expense reimbursement with missing receipts will be limited to $25.
  • U.S. Territories are processed as out-of-state trips. Common U.S. Territories include Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands
    • Hawaii, Alaska, and the U.S. Territories were once processed as out-of-country requests but that policy has been updated.