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USS Oklahoma: Home

The Oklahoma State University Libraries, Stillwater Public Library, and Oklahoma State University Department of Political Science sponsored a two-part talk on the battleship U.S.S. Oklahoma, delivered by Dr. Peter Rudloff, Associate Professor in the OSU Department of Political Science. Both talks were held at the Stillwater Public Library auditorium at 1107 S Duck St, Stillwater, OK 74074. Attendance is free and registration is not required.

Talk 1: Tuesday, October 8, 6:30PM - Adventures on the USS Oklahoma: 1914 - 1941

Dr. Peter Rudloff will discuss the story of the USS Oklahoma from 1910s to Dec. 6, 1941. The story of the USS Oklahoma during the attack on Pearl Harbor is well known compared to the story of the USS Oklahoma leading up to that day. Learn why the USS Oklahoma was built, how it served as an important advance for US naval capability, and the story of the ship and its crew during this time period. 

Talk 2: Monday, November 11, 6:30PM - The Fall and Rise of the USS Oklahoma

Dr. Peter Rudloff will discuss the events of Dec. 7, 1941, with an emphasis on the experiences of the crew of the USS Oklahoma during the attack. Rather than end with the attack, the presentation will also focus on what happened after the attack, particularly immediate attempts to save crew trapped in the ship and the efforts to salvage the ship. The USS Oklahoma would eventually be lost at sea, but not at Pearl Harbor. The presentation will end with the legacy of the ship and its crew.