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Wall Street Journal Access

All Oklahoma State University students, faculty, and staff have full access to the Wall Street Journal via the following link:

Account setup instructions are available for StudentsFaculty, and Staff.

After creating your account, you will see several screens related to the content you can choose to see with your Wall Street Journal account, such as Personalization, Puzzle Notifications, Writer Email Alerts, Text Updates, and more. All of these are optional and not required to use your membership.

After creating your account, you may access Wall Street Journal content by visiting in a web browser or using any of the WSJ mobile apps. Sign in to your WSJ account by entering your OSU email and the password you used when creating your WSJ account.

Students, faculty and staff who have a personal subscription with and would like to convert it to an OSU-sponsored subscription will need to call 1-800-JOURNAL to cancel their existing subscription prior to activating a subscription via OSU.