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xAPI: The Experience API: Home

What is xAPI?

xAPI is a technical specification that follows a protocol for recording, sending, and retrieving data about the user's learning experience. Released in 2013, this newer eLearning standard presents unique opportunities for gathering information about if and how students are using online learning so that content can continuously be improved.


LRSs receive data that is xAPI enabled


Because it eliminates the need for a traditional LMS and expands the types of information that can be gathered, xAPI breaks the mold for what was previously thought possible, especially when it comes to analytics and open educational resources (OER). Instead of an LMS, xAPI allows for the delivery of statements of analytics to something called a learning record store (LRS).

New to xAPI? That's okay! This guide will serve as a resource page as you begin to learn about xAPI and how you can best utilize its abilities.

Learn About xAPI

Learning Analytics & eLearning Standards

What is xAPI?

Getting Started On Your Own

This is, by no means, a comprehensive list of LRS options. Before choosing an LRS, it is important to first identify your analytics goals, where you’ll be housing your learning objects (e.g., Wordpress, an app, etc.), and the types of outputs you’ll be creating (e.g., PDF, interactive elements, ePub, etc.). These are crucial factors to ensuring that your LRS will deliver your desired results and be able to properly connect your resources.