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A&M Consortium: FOLIO Support Available from OSU Stillwater: Cataloging Services

Our A&M Consortium is a collection of many institutions using one FOLIO tenant. In order to work together smoothly, the FOLIO Implementation Team is providing a framework of settings to provide constancy and reduce confusion.

Cataloging Services

For cataloging, be sure to familiarize yourself with the policies and the Circulation Matrix on the Circulation Services page.

Also visit the LibGuide, Folio Cataloging Guidance.

Specifically, the Folio Implementation Team can edit if needed:

Catalogers are the institutions should be able to create and update Z39.50 Target Profiles.  However, feel free to contact the Folio Implementation Team with questions.

Instance Status Types

Instance Status Type refers to the status or source or application of bibliographic/instance record.

  • Batch Loaded

  • Cataloged

  • Equipment

  • ILS Temporary

  • Not yet assigned

  • On Order

  • Other

  • Temporary

  • Uncataloged

Loan Types

Loan Types are applied in the item record.  Loan Types are most often used for reserves, course reserves, and equipment checkouts. When in doubt, choose circulating or non-circulating when cataloging items.

  • 1 Day

  • 1 Month

  • 14 Day

  • 2 Hour

  • 2 Month

  • 3 Day

  • 3 Hour

  • 3 Week

  • 4 Hour

  • 7 Day

  • Circulating

  • Course reserves

  • End of Term Due Date

  • Non-circulating

Material Types

Material Types are also assigned in the Item Record or in the Data Import Profile.  Material type may be important for your circulation rules.  The "equipment" Material Type is particularly important when cataloging laptops and objects of different types.

  • archival material

  • book

  • bound issue

  • electronic resource

  • equipment

  • issue

  • kit / multi

  • map

  • media

  • microform

  • migration

  • music

  • room

  • unspecified

  • visual material

Statistical Codes

Statistical Codes are not currently being utilized in depth.  Statistical Codes are an extra field that allow the Folio Implementation Team pull data through APIs.  The Statistical Codes that are currently important are asterisked.  "Withdrawn" is currently being used to tag instance records that are ready to be deleted.

  • ASER - Active serial

  • Arch - Archives (arch)

  • Books - Book, print (books)

  • ebooks

  • compfiles - Computer files, CDs, etc (compfiles)

  • XOCLC - Do not share with OCLC

  • ENF - Entry not found

  • ISER - Inactive serial

  • Its - Information Technology Services (its)

  • Mss - Manuscripts (mss)

  • emaps

  • maps

  • mfiche - Microfiche (mfiche)

  • mfilm - Microfilm (mfilm)

  • mmedia - Mixed media (mmedia)

  • emusic - Music scores, electronic

  • music - Music scores, print (music)

  • rmusic - Music sound recordings

  • rnonmusic

  • QoL - Quality of Life Collection*

  • Eserials - Serials, electronic (eserials)

  • Serials - Serials, print (serials)

  • Audstream - Streaming audio (audstream)

  • Vidstream - Streaming video (vidstream)

  • Visual - Visual materials, DVDs, etc. (visual)

  • evisual

  • withdrawn*