Art, Graphic Design & Art History: Art books
How to Find Art Books
Most art books in print are located on the 4th floor of Edmon Low Library. Look for larger books, also called Quartos or Oversized books, on the lower level. Please note that architecture books are housed in the Architecture Library in the School of Architecture building.
- How to Find and Check Out a BookThis quick video will walk you through finding and checking out a book. It also links to videos on how to read a call number and use interlibrary services.
- OSU Library SearchAlso known as the library catalog. Start looking for books here.
- Ask the library to purchase a bookIf we don't have a book you want, request it with this form. Be sure to mention whether you are looking for an electronic or print book.
Art ebooks
JSTOR and Project Muse have art-related ebooks, but there are many others available in the library catalog.
Note: A new tutorial for finding ebooks in the library catalog will be available in late January. For assistance, please chat with or email the librarian.
- JSTOR Full-text access for over 17 million journal articles, books, documents, and research reports in a variety of disciplines. JSTOR's AI-based interactive research tool is currently in beta. Users can visit this page for more information and sign up to use the tool.
- Project MUSE Full text access for about scholarly journals published by Johns Hopkins University Press (43 titles). Coverage generally ranges from 1993 to present.