The Paul Miller Papers Project: A Biography
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Paul Miller: A Biography contains a partial narrative biography of Miller spanning the forty years from his birth in Diamond, MO, in 1906 through his childhood, adolescence, college years and newspaper apprenticeships, and Associated Press jobs from 1932-1947. This section also includes transcriptions of nearly all of the documents from his Associated Press career from 1932-1978. Section three continues with transcriptions of the scrapbook entries, newspaper clippings, itineraries, and correspondence from Miller’s international air travel from 1945-1957. And it concludes with a comprehensive assortment of transcribed documents related to Miller’s lifelong affiliation to his adopted home state of Oklahoma.
This document, which can be downloaded by clicking here, contains all of the documents provided in this section in one 627 page PDF. You can view a table of contents for this document here. If you would prefer to view discrete sections of this document, please refer to the dropdown menu found in the Paul Miller: A Biography section of the sidebar.