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Open Access @OSU Libraries: OA Agreements and Investments at OSU
Open Access Agreements and APC Discounts
Open Access Agreements
Oklahoma State University Libraries currently participates in the following agreements which allow OSU authors (must typically be the corresponding author) to publish their articles open access. Each agreement is different, so please be sure to read the description, linked content from the publisher, and contact us if you have any questions.
- American Chemical SocietyCorresponding authors at OSU can publish Open Access research articles without paying an article processing charge (APC) in all ACS hybrid and gold OA journals. Must be accepted for publication between Jan. 1, 2024, and Dec. 31, 2026.
- American Society for MicrobiologyUnder ASM's Subscribe to Open (S2O) model, authors can publish open access with reduced costs in six participating hybrid journals (Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Infection and Immunity, Journal of Bacteriology, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, and Journal of Virology), avoiding traditional article processing charges (APCs). Authors will still be responsible for standard page charges and supplemental material fees, with significant discounts available for OSU affiliates and for those holding ASM membership. Click the link or image above to see ASM's S2O author FAQ for more details.
PLEASE NOTE that only these six listed HYBRID journals are included in this agreement and that, while APCs have been eliminated, there are still page charges and supplemental material fees that may apply and for which authors are responsible. Articles are eligible if accepted for publication after January 1, 2025.
- Association of Computing MachineryAll corresponding authors from an institution participating in ACM OPEN will have their research articles published Open Access in ACM journals, conference proceedings and magazines, in perpetuity at the time of publication at no cost to the authors.
- Cambridge University PressIf you are affiliated with Oklahoma State University - Stillwater or Tulsa you can publish your article Open Access - at no cost to you - in gold and hybrid journals.
- The Company of BiologistsBeginning in January 2023, corresponding authors at OSU can publish Open Access research articles without paying an article processing charge (APC) in Company of Biologists journals (Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology, Disease Models & Mechanisms, Biology Open)
- Microbiology SocietyThe Microbiology Society’s ’Publish and Read’ deal will allow OSU researchers to publish an unlimited number of open-access articles (OA) and provides unrestricted access to the Society’s journal portfolio.
Publish and Read will be across all the Society’s six journals including Microbiology, Journal of General Virology, Journal of Medical Microbiology, Microbial Genomics, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology and Access Microbiology.
- Oxford University PressOUP and Oklahoma State University have agreed to a Read and Publish deal for some journals for 2024-2028. Eligible authors from the institution can request use of this account to pay the Open Access charge when arranging payment in OUP’s online licensing and payment system.
Note that only HYBRID open access journals are included under this agreement. Please review the "eligible hybrid journals" spreadsheet linked on this page to determine if a journal is included.
- Royal Society of ChemistryAPCs are covered: this agreement includes the article processing charge for publishing OA as a corresponding author in all RSC journals for 2024 and 2025.
Open Access Discounts
- SAGE PublishingCorresponding authors from OSU will receive a 10% discount on APCs for eligible SAGE Gold OA titles. Authors must declare their institutional affiliation accurately at submission and it must appear on the published article.
- Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)Authors affiliated with participating universities receive a 10% discount on the APCs for any paper published in an MDPI journal. Note that only one discount through an IOAP scheme is permitted per paper, and the discount cannot be combined with other available discounts (e.g., discount vouchers, or society membership discounts).
Researchers can also benefit from a 10% discount on the Book Processing Charges for MDPI Books.
Subscribe to Open Commitments
Subscribe to Open (S2O) "allows publishers to convert journals from subscriptions to OA, one year at a time. Using S2O, a publisher offers a journal’s current subscribers continued access. If all current subscribers participate in the S2O offer (simply by not opting out) the publisher opens the content covered by that year’s subscription. If participation is not sufficient—for example, if some subscribers delay renewing in the expectation that they can gain access without participating—then that year’s content remains gated. The offer is repeated every year, with the opening of each year’s content contingent on sufficient participation. In some cases, access to backfile content may be used to enhance the offer." - From the Subscribe to Open Community of Practice
Open Access Investments and Commitments
- American Indian Culture and Research Journal (AICRJ)"Moving to Open Access is one of those benchmark moment for a publication. Our content is now available to readers without expensive subscriptions and paywalls. Making Indigenous content accessible to the people often less able to pay subscription rates has been an important goal of ours. But how to move from subscription income to zero subscriptions is not an easy problem to address. We have teamed with Lyrasis to help ensure that our journal is able to continue paying our limited editorial staff and operating costs.
AICRJ publishes quality research by, for, and with American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and other Indigenous Peoples and their various communities—whether they are nations, tribes, townships, villages, or islands. The journal is positioned to have a unique vantage point and perspective that focuses on community in its multiple meanings"
- CrossrefCrossref's Mission: "Crossref makes research objects easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse. We’re a not-for-profit membership organization that exists to make scholarly communications better. We rally the community; tag and share metadata; run an open infrastructure; play with technology; and make tools and services—all to help put research in context."
- Declaration on Research Assessment"The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the outputs of scholarly research are evaluated...DORA’s vision is to advance practical and robust approaches to research assessment globally and across all scholarly disciplines."
- Demography: An Open-Access Journal"Demography’s open-access funding model relies entirely on financial support from libraries and other institutions. The journal’s content will be available open access from the 2021 volume forward. The library membership organization LYRASIS will facilitate contributions to the journal."
- Hathi Trust"Founded in 2008, HathiTrust is a not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving 17+ million digitized items. HathiTrust offers reading access to the fullest extent allowable by U.S. copyright law, computational access to the entire corpus for scholarly research, and other emerging services based on the combined collection. HathiTrust members steward the collection — the largest set of digitized books managed by academic and research libraries — under the aims of scholarly, not corporate, interests".
- JSTOR Path to Open"Path to Open is a new, multi-year pilot program designed to increase access to diverse ideas and research. It offers sustainable open access solutions, supports the nonprofit university press community, and invests in authors and their scholarship, increasing the impact of their work.,,This funding model will provide libraries with affordable access to diverse, high-quality frontlist titles; support small and medium university presses in open access publishing; help authors reach a global audience; and advance equity of access to underserved researchers around the world. This pilot aims to protect the bibliodiversity that these university presses bring to the world—new voices, fresh areas of scholarship, emerging fields, and an expertise in diverse disciplines."
- MIT Direct to Open"By participating in Direct to Open, libraries have an opportunity to shift from buying digital monographs from the MIT Press once for a single collection to funding them “once for the world.” Together, we can make knowledge more open and accessible."
- New Literacies Alliance"The New Literacies Alliance is a dynamic curricular project led by librarians from multiple institutions across the United States...Our purpose is to address the new literacies needed for academic success and lifelong learning. In our lessons, students master skills at their own pace using our cutting-edge online learning platform. Since our lessons are free Open Education Resources, you can use and adapt as you see fit."
- The Open Library of Humanities"The Open Library of Humanities (OLH) is a charitable organisation dedicated to publishing open access scholarship with no author-facing article processing charges (APCs). We are funded by an international consortium of libraries who have joined us in our mission to make scholarly publishing fairer, more accessible, and rigorously preserved for the digital future."
- Open Education Network"We, the members of the Open Education Network (OEN), commit to working together to make open the default in higher education. When we advance open education locally and collectively, we empower faculty, remove barriers to education, and enhance student success. The OEN is a vibrant and supportive community that advances the use of open educational resources and practices. Members benefit from and contribute to the global open education ecosystem."
- OpenOKStateThe OpenOKState OER program contributes to the success of OSU students, faculty, and the state of Oklahoma by facilitating open, customizable access to and creation of meaningful teaching, learning, and research resources and experiences.
- Open Science Framework (OSF)The mission of the Center for Open Science is to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of research. The Open Science Framework is a free, open platform to support your research and enable collaboration.
- ORCiD"ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a global, not-for-profit organization sustained by fees from our member organizations. We are community-built and governed by a Board of Directors representative of our membership with wide stakeholder representation. ORCID is supported by a dedicated and knowledgeable professional staff...ORCID’s vision is a world where all who participate in research, scholarship, and innovation are uniquely identified and connected to their contributions across disciplines, borders, and time."
- Portico"Portico is a community-supported preservation archive that safeguards access to e-journals, e-books, and digital collections. Our unique, trusted process ensures that the content we preserve will remain accessible and usable for researchers, scholars, and students in the future"
- Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3)"SCOAP3 is a one-of-its-kind partnership of over three thousand libraries, key funding agencies and research centers in 44 countries and 3 intergovernmental organisations. Working with leading publishers, SCOAP3 has converted key journals in the field of High-Energy Physics to Open Access at no cost for authors."
- Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC)"SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) works to enable the open sharing of research outputs and educational materials in order to democratize access to knowledge, accelerate discovery, and increase the return on our investment in research and education. As a catalyst for action, SPARC focuses on collaborating with other stakeholders—including authors, publishers, libraries, students, funders, policymakers and the public—to build on the opportunities created by the Internet, promoting changes to both infrastructure and culture needed to make open the default for research and education."
- Open Research Oklahoma (ORO)Open Research Oklahoma (ORO) is Oklahoma State University's institutional repository (IR), an open collection of OSU theses & dissertations, faculty publications and research, digital special collections, open access publications, open educational resources, scholarship created by students in undergraduate research programs, and much more.
- Open Access Journal HostingIn an effort to support open access, Oklahoma State University Libraries hosts an instance of Open Journal Systems (OJS) and provides any peer-reviewed journal their own site for free if they commit to making their publication open access. For more information, please send inquiries to lib-dls@okstate.edu.
We appreciate the leadership and example of Iowa State University's Open Scholarship Services team. Their OA "investments" and "agreements" pages served as the model for this page.