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Where Should I Publish My Research? : Avoid "Predatory" Publications

Avoiding Predatory Publications

In general,  we advise a “checklist” approach to analyzing whether a journal is engaged in unethical practices, rather than a “list” approach, particularly if we aren’t sure who runs the list, how they add to the list, and how publishers can apply to remove their names from the list. Although this takes more time, it can allow you to investigate and probe more deeply into the question.

Some useful tools we often recommend can be found below:

A summary of some quality journal criteria and indicators of possible deception follow below. These are not necessarily comprehensive, but they are a starting place.

Quality journal criteria include:

  •     Scope is well-defined and clearly stated
  •     Owner & management is clearly stated
  •     Editor, editorial board are recognized experts in the field
  •     Journal is affiliated with or sponsored by an established scholarly society or academic institution
  •     Articles are within the scope of the journal and meet the standards of the discipline
  •     Any fees or charges for publishing in the journal are easily found on the journal web site and clearly explained
  •     Articles have DOIs (Digital Object Identifier, e.g., doi:10.1111/j.1742-9544.2011.00054.x)
  •     Use and re-use of content is clearly stated on articles
  •     Journal has an ISSN
  •     Publisher is a member of Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association
  •     Journal is registered in UlrichsWeb, Cabells
  •     Journal is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals
  •     Journal is included in subject databases and/or indexes

Indicators of possible deception include:

  •     Spams mailing lists for editors and/or contributors
  •     Website lacks clear information about APCs or manuscript handling process
  •     Rapid editorial/review time
  •     Scope is too broad
  •     Copy names/websites of legitimate journals
  •     Discovery: Journal is not indexed where it is relevant for its field
  •     Editors/reviewers are unknown
  •     No clear strategy for handling misconduct (e.g. retraction policy)
  •     No clear digital preservation/archiving
  •     Articles are:
    • Poorly or inconsistently formatted pages, text, tables & figures
    • Grammatical & copyediting errors
    • Brief/insufficient/incomplete bibliography with a wide range of styles
    • Wide range of article lengths
    • Statistical/methodological errors

Additional News and Tools


Content in this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License and is adapted from "Identifying Appropriate Journals for Publication" by University of Alberta Health Sciences Library which is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0