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Finding Tests and Measurements: APA PsycTESTS

A pathfinder to identifying and finding tests and measures in the social sciences.


Search Instructions

Users can search by author, journal title, test name, keyword, and a variety of other fields.

Users can also limit the search to a variety of specifications. For example:

  • Fee - most of the tests in APA PsycTESTS are available free of charge, but some have fees associated with them.
  • Supporting Documentation - some of the items include both test instruments and additional documentation to support their use, e.g., answer sheets, directions, etc.
  • Permissions - many tests may be used for teaching/research purposes; those that do not give blanket permission instruct users to contact the author or publisher. Pay attention to the permissions requirements before using a test.
  • Administration Method
  • Age Group
  • Population Group

View Records

When you click the test name from the list of results, it will take you directly to the PDF full text of the test, if available. This PDF contains only the test itself, not the additional information necessary to administer and use it.

At the left, click Detailed Record.

On the Detailed Record page, look for links to Supporting Documentation. These links can include administration and scoring instructions, information on the test's development, and citations to published studies that have used the test.

Test Full Text and Details

Approximately 75% of the tests in PsycTESTS contain the full text of the instrument. Tests in full text begin with cover sheets that provide more information on their contents. In particular, make note of the Test Shown section - records may include the full contents of the test, partial contents, or only sample items. Also, note and adhere to the Permissions.