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Finding Tests and Measurements: Tests in Microfiche

A pathfinder to identifying and finding tests and measures in the social sciences.

About Tests in Microfiche

From 1975-2004, the Educational Testing Service (ETS) published Tests in Microfiche, which reproduced the full text of approximately 1,100 unpublished tests in the social sciences, primarily psychology and education. There are two components:

  • Microfiche copies of the tests.
  • Print indexes, published annually.

OSU owns a complete collection, series A-DD, which is located in offsite shelving. To use the microfiche tests, you can place a request to recall the needed series.

To search for a test, use the print Cumulative Index to Tests in Microfiche located in the main stacks at call number: 371.260973 T345. There are indexes by author, title, and broad subject. All indexes provide the number of the test, indicating how to locate it on microfiche.

Searching Tests in Microfiche Online

Records for Tests in Microfiche tests are available in ETS Test Link. To limit your search to items in Tests in Microfiche, go to Advanced Search and include the term TIM (capitalized) in the Order Information field. Make note of the Microfiche series and tests number so that you can borrow the correct series from the library. (For example, a record with the acronym TIM(T) is in Tests and Microfiche Series T.)