Finding Tests and Measurements: Home
A pathfinder to identifying and finding tests and measures in the social sciences.
Tests and measurements in the social sciences are instruments used to measure or assess an attitude, behavior, or other attribute. They include surveys, scales, and diagnostic instruments for clinical purposes.
Finding the full text of tests and measurements can be a complicated process. This guide describes tools and search strategies to simplify it. For assistance, please contact your subject librarian.
Tests in the social sciences fall into two categories:
- Published or commercially available tests are published by commercial test publishers. While you will be able to find reviews and descriptions of these tests - and sometimes sample items - the full tests are only available by direct purchase. Publishers often require purchasers to meet certain qualification standards or to receive training on test administration and scoring before permitting them to purchase certain tests. (See, for example, the Clinical Psychology Qualification Levels at Pearson Assessments.) The library does not collect commercial tests. While it is sometimes possible to obtain these measures through interlibrary services, students and faculty should usually contact test publishers directly.
- Unpublished or noncommercial tests are not published and sold by commercial test publishers. Instead, they usually appear in books or journal articles.
This guide describes both commercial and noncommercial tests. Commercially published tests are generally more likely to have detailed evaluative reviews available, but it is possible to find evaluations of both kinds.
Both published and unpublished tests are subject to copyright unless otherwise noted. Changes and modifications should not be made unless expressly permitted. In addition, permissions for appropriate use vary widely. The test developer should be contacted for permission before a test is used unless usage permissions are given in the source.
Further reading
- Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education (APA)Guide for professionals in the ethical and fair development, selection, administration, scoring, reporting, and interpreting of tests in educational settings.
- FAQ/Finding Information About Psychological Tests (APA)Detailed information on locating and using tests in psychology and related fields.
- Guides for Using Buros PublicationsIncludes detailed instructions for using Mental Measurements Yearbook and Tests in Print.
- National Council on Measurement in EducationThe National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) is a professional organization for individuals involved in assessment, evaluation, testing, and other aspects of educational measurement.
- Testing and Assessment (APA)Homepage of the APA Testing and Assessment program.