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OpenOKState Fellows: Materials and Training Grants

OpenOKState/OSRHE Materials Fund Applications

UPDATE: OSRHE OER Materials Funding Cycle is Open

State system institution faculty and instructors teaching transferable courses with open educational resources (OER) in the 2024-2025 academic year may be eligible to apply for open textbook development/adoption funds available through the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. Open educational resources are research, teaching and learning materials intentionally created and licensed to be freely accessed, shared, retained, and in many cases, modified at no additional cost to the end user. The funds are available for courses whose instructors are using OER and do not require students to purchase commercial resources such as textbooks, subscriptions, or access to supplementary homework platforms. Projects  funding amounts include

  • Level 0 ($500) - Refresh an OER already in use for the course, create ancillary materials for existing OER in use, or collaborate with others teaching the same course with OER.
  • Level 1 ($1,000) - Adopt a new, single OER textbook available to students at no cost
  • Level 2 ($1,500) - Remix/revision of two or more existing OER into a new research, teaching and learning resource
  • Level 3 ($3,000) - Full authorship of an OER for areas in which none are available

Add-on Options (for levels 1-3)

  • Option A ($500): Create ancillary materials such as homework, learning activities, and assessments.
  • Option B ($500 each, up to 3): Engage teaching collaborators to support the OER project. Teaching collaborators are faculty and instructors teaching the same course using OER.
  • Option C ($250): Include a project collaborator such as an OSU faculty or staff instructional designer, librarian, or accessibility specialist to aid in the curation, organization, implementation, and alignment of your OER project. 

Funding will be disbursed from OSRHE to the faculty and instructors' teaching institution, who may issue the award to the faculty.

Who is encouraged to apply?

Proposals are invited from OSU faculty and staff teaching courses during the 2024-2025 academic year which will not require purchase of commercial resources.

How will funding be distributed?

Funding will be distributed to recipients in the form of special pay.

What is the application procedure and timeline?

Step 1: Express Interest and Apply

  • Submit FY25 OSRHE OER Grant Interest Form.
  • Attend a consultation meeting to complete application before Dec. 6, 2024.
  • If awarded, receive a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for review.
  • Complete MOU Grant Generator for final approval.

Step 2: Submit Verification of Adoption

  • Awardees submit verification of OER adoption to request award disbursement.
  • Verification can be submitted by Jan. 15, 2025 for early disbursement; all remaining disbursements will occur after the final verification deadline of April 30, 2025.

Step 3: Teach Your Course

  • Finalize your OER course materials and communicate to the bookstore that no textbook purchase is required.
  • Teach with your OER no later than Summer 2025.
  • Survey the impact of OER on your course through performance metrics and learner feedback.

Step 4: Submit Your Report

For more information:

Kathy Essmiller |

Tracey Romano |

OSRHE OER Funds 2024-2025 Flier

Updated 7.26.24, KE


OpenOKState/OSRHE OER Training Funds

OSRHE OER Training Funds

Application Deadline: Wednesday, April 30, 2025

Learn the basics or extend your understanding of OER and earn digital badges through Credly. Complete the free OER 101 and/or OER Champion (Deeper Dive) training and earn funds up to $250.00.

Award Levels
  • Level 1 ($100): For new completion of OER 101 during FY25.
  • Level 2 (200): For new completion of OER: Deeper Dive with prior completion of OER 101 before June 30, 2024.
  • Level 3 ($250): For completion of both OER 101 and Deeper Dive during FY25. 

Funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis with up to $15,000 in awards available for FY25.

Who is encouraged to participate?

All faculty, staff and instructors are invited to participate.

How will funding be distributed?

Funding will be distributed to recipients in the form of special pay.

For more information:

Kathy Essmiller |

Tracey Romano |

OSRHE OER Training Funds 2024-2025 Flier

Updated 7.26.24, KE