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- Standards
- Association Standards
Standards: Association Standards
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
The American National Standards Institute formed through the joint effort of five engineering societies and three government agencies ANSI is not a government agency. It is a private, nonprofit membership organization responsible for administering and coordinating the United States private sector voluntary standardization system. ANSI itself does not develop American National Standards (ANSs); instead ANSI provides a neutral venue in which all interested US parties come together and work towards common agreements which result in the creation of voluntary standards. ANSI is a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and the International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC).
ANSI estimates that there are hundreds of “traditional” standards developing organizations (SDOs), 226 of which are accredited by ANSI. The 20 largest SDOs produce 90% of the standards. There are approximately 10,000 American National Standards.
Representatives of numerous U.S. government agencies actively participate in the activities of ANSI and its accredited bodies. Approval of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (P.L. 104-113) in the mid-1990’s also helped to encourage federal agencies to rely upon and participate in the voluntary standards and conformity assessment systems. In addition, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, has officially recognized ANSI’s role as U.S. representative to the ISO, IEC and many regional standards organizations.
Access: The library does not have an active subscription to ANSI standards. A search of the library homepage using the terms: ansi 'american national standard' will retrieve over 5,000 results, a limit on content “standards” will produce 200 results which are largely IEEE and ASTM standards which have been adopted by ANSI. All of these are in e-format.
An advanced search of the catalog on ansi AND ‘american national standard’ as a phrase will retrieve over 1100 standards, some of in print and electronic formats, some active standards, and others historical (no longer in effect). Adding additional search terms will narrow the number of results.
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)
About: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) develops standards and engineering practices which are used by farm equipment manufacturers and agricultural engineers for design, manufacturing and maintenance. These standards determine a consistent product and process and also serve as a basis for codes, legislation and education on agricultural issues. ASABE Standards and Engineering Practices are voluntary, consensus industry standards developed and adopted by ASABE.
E-format: The ASABE standards collection contains more than 250 documents and includes active standards, engineering practices and data on the performance and characteristics of a wide variety of agricultural related subjects. Select the ASABE database, on the ‘Category’ pull-down select Standards, and then enter your search terms.
- ASABE Technical LibrarySince launching in 2001, the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Technical Library has added approximately 20,000 pages of content each year. This information includes technical papers and peer-reviewed journal articles dedicated to the advancement of engineering in agricultural, biological, and food systems.
Print: The Print format of ASAE standards for 1984-2005 is located under the call number: 631.3058 A2781. This item is located in the basement of the Library. The Print format of the ASABE standards for 2006 is located in the basement 631.3058 A2781. The 2007 is located in General Reference under 631.3058 A2781. For newer standards consult the database above.
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning (ASHRAE)
ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers)
ASHRAE standards can be searched on the ASHRAE website, under Titles, Purposes, and Scopes. Use <Control F> and search by the title or standard number. You may find it easier to identify standards and verify the most recent version using Google, and study the results from standards vendors such as TechStreet. Then, search the OSU Library Catalog by the standard title to determine its availability. If the library has the standard, it will most likely be an older version, which can be determined by comparing the date with the ASHRAE website. The OSU library collection of ASHRAE standards is located in 3-ring binders in the basement, under the call number 697 A11054. OSU does not have access to the electronic format of these standards.
E-format: The Library owns no ASHRAE standards in the e-format.
Print format
ASHRAE Handbook: The ASHRAE Handbook is another means of identifying ASHRAE and other standards that pertain to this field. Each of the four volumes in the set contains a subject index. The Handbook does not contain the full text of standards.
ASHRAE Handbook: This 4-volume set is located in General Reference, 697 A1051,
2010 ASHRAE Handbook—Refrigeration,
2009 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals,
2008 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment,
2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications.
The e-format of this 4-volume set is incomplete in Knovel. There is not an Inch-Pound and SI edition for each volume.
- KnovelA library of full-text content relating to all fields of engineering, science, and industrial safety.
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
ASME boiler and pressure vessel code: this is available in print only.
24 volumes, located in the basement, except Section 8, part 1.
Call Number: 621.1845 A512bo 1989
Bibliographic Record Display
ASME boiler and pressure vessel code / ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee.
Other Title(s):
Boiler and pressure vessel code.
Edition: 1989 ed.
New York : American Society of Mechanical Engineers 24 v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
- Section 1. Power boilers.
- Section 2. Material specifications (part A. Ferrous materials., part B. Nonferrous materials., part C. Welding rods, electrodes, and filler metals)
- Section 3. Subsection NCA - General requirements for Division 1 and Division 2
- Division 1 (Subsection NB. class 1 components., Subsection NC. class 2 components., Subsection ND. class 3 components., Subsection NE. class MC components., Subsection NF. Component supports., Subsection NG. core support structures., Appendices)
- Division 2. Code for concrete reactor vessels and containments. 9 v.
- Section 4. Heating boilers.
- Section 5. Nondestructive examination.
- Section 6. Recommended rules for care and operation of heating boilers.
- Section 7. Recommended guidelines for the care of power boilers.
- Section 8. Pressure vessels (Division 1., Division 2. Alternative rules). Section 9. Welding and brazing qualifications.
- Section 10. Fiber-reinforced plastic pressure vessels.
- Section 11. Rules for inservice inspection of nuclear power plant components.
- Code cases boilers and pressure vessels.
- Code cases nuclear components.
- "An American national standard."
- Each section is prepared by a subcommittee of the committee.
- "Colored sheet addenda, which include additions and revisions to individual Sections of the Code, are published annually ... in the loose-leaf, replacement page format"--p. [iii].
About: More than 12,000 ASTM standards in this collection address issues of concern to more than 130 industry areas. ASTM standards address the needs of manufacturing, research and development, product testing, quality systems, and commercial transactions.
E-format: The ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital Library is the complete set of ASTM standards, journals, symposia papers/Special Technical Publications (STPs), and manuals in the electronic format. Also, you may access the ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital Library through the Library website, select the Databases List, alphabetically within "A’s.” The database includes the most current edition of all standards, including those that have not been updated in the most recent calendar year, but not the previous version of standards, known as “historical standards.” The Library purchased the electronic format in 2011, and the print subscription was ceased after the complete set of volumes for the 2010 edition were received.
- ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital LibraryThe ASTM Standards and Digital Library is the complete set of ASTM standards, journals, symposia papers/Special Technical Publications (STPSs), and manuals. With more than 12,000 ASTM standards in more than 130 industry areas, nearly every discipline in engineering and applied science is affected. These standards address the needs of manufacturing, research and development, product testing, quality systems, and commercial transactions.
Print: The Print format of 2010 ASTM Standards is available in reference under the title Annual book of ASTM Standards, call number 620.112 A512bs. The print format prior to 2010 is located in the basement under the same call number. If you must pull the print from the shelf, use the database to identify the standard of interest, say for example you determine ASTM D7033 - 07: Standard Practice for Establishing Design Capacities for Oriented Strand Board (OSB) Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels. The page identifying the standard indicates "Book of Standards Volume: 04.10", which is the print volume that you pull from the shelf. The print volumes are arranged by topic, and you may find that browsing is useful to gain an understanding of the topic matter.
National Fire Codes
About: the National Fire Code is a multi-volume compilation of codes, standards, recommended practice and guides. It is published annually by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). This set includes the National Electrical Code, also known as NFPA 70.
E-format: the current complete edition of the National Fire Code in the e-format is available in MADCAD. This format includes codes from previous editions. Some municipalities use previous editions of the code. The Library purchased the e-format and discontinued the print in 2011.
- MADCADThis online database contains more than 200 codebooks and standards, both building codes and guidelines to meet the codes. It provides easy access to cross-referenced collections of building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire, and maintenance codes from BOCA, SBCCI, ICBO, ICC, and NFPA.
About: ISO is a global network of national standards institutes from 156 countries. It has a current portfolio of some 16 500 standards for business, government and society. Subject matter ..."for all three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, environmental and social. ISO standards provide solutions and achieve benefits for almost all sectors of activity, including agriculture, construction, mechanical engineering, manufacturing, distribution, transport, medical devices, information and communication technologies, the environment, energy, quality management, conformity assessment and services."
E-format: No ISO standards in the e-format are owned by the Library. However, you can get a short description of a standard of interest using the ISO website.
Print format: The Library owns very few ISO standards, nearly all are out of date.
- What the Library owns can be determined as follows, from the Library homepage http://www.library.okstate.edu, select Catalog Basic, select "Title search", ISO standards.
- A search by standard number including the alphabetical prefix, such as ISO 2371, would consist of a Catalog Basic, "title search," iso 2371.
- Books about ISO standards are plentiful, these items tell about how the standard is applied, these items do not contain the full-text of the standard. For example search for ISO 9001: Quality management systems -- Requirements, by standard number or title.
About: The International Electrotechnical Commission, (IEC) is located in Geneva Switzerland. Subject Matter: IEC standards cover a range of technologies, including power generation, transmission, and distribution and the end products that rely on electrical power. These standards address electrical devices that work in conjunction with nuclear, mechanical, medical, and industrial equipment, and many others.
E-format: The Library owns no IEC Standards in the e-format. You can get a short description of a standard of interest from the IEC.
Print format: The Library owns very few IEC standards, nearly all are out of date.
- What the Library owns can be determined as follows, from the Library homepage, select Catalog Basic, select "Title search," IEC standards.
- A search by standard number including the alphabetical prefix, such as IEC 60204-11, would consist of a Catalog Basic, "title search," IEC 60204-11.
- Books about IEC standards are available, these items tell about how the standard is applied, these items do not contain the full-text of the standard. For example for IEC 60204: Safety of Machinery, a Catalog advanced search with the standard number without the the alpa-numeric prefix and the standard title: 60204 and Safety of Machinery. Articles about IEC standards are available from the engineering specific databases.
About: ITU coordinates the shared global use of the radio spectrum, promotes international cooperation in assigning satellite orbits, works to improve telecommunication infrastructure in the developing world, and establishes the worldwide standards for interconnection of communications systems.
E-format: The Library owns no ITU Standards in the e-format. You can get a short description of a standard of interest from the ITU.
Print format: Adapt the process for locating ITU standards from instructions for locating IEC standards, above.
SAE Handbook
About: The SAE Handbook (Society of Automotive Engineers International) is the annual compilation of ground vehicle standards, each of which are denoted with a "J." These standards cover cars, motorcycles and on-and-off-highway vehicles.
E-format: The e-format has not been purchased.
CD-ROM: Available from 2006-2010 for individual user check-out, not as a web accessible product. The CD-ROMs are held in Room 105 (Microform Media Room), under the same call number as the print. Following the 2010 edition, SAE discontinued the CD-ROM format.
Print format: 2005 is the last year of publication for the print format, which is located in General Reference, call number 629.102 S111. This is a 3-volume set with the index in Volume 1.
ENSC 3313 Materials Science and MET 3343 Physical Metallurgy assignments include references to SAE standards.