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Standards: Finding Standards at OSU

How to find Standards at OSU

This page will help you navigate the OSU Libraries' system to find a standard you are looking for.  If the Library does not own a standard in print or electronic format that you need, the Library may be able to obtain it through the standards on demand service. The OSU Libraries will consider and, in most cases, purchase any standard needed by the OSU students, faculty and staff.

Available Standards at OSU

OSU Libraries has online access to ASTM, ASABE, IEEE, and a number of items from MADCAD. The Library also purchases standards on an as needed basis through IHS. The IHS subscription is used to order standards for classes, research and other purposes relevant to the mission of the University. The current subscription provides limited access to AASHTO, ACI, API, ASHRAE, and ASME. Additional standards may be requested directly through IHS or through the Interlibrary Service.

This page summarizes access for the complete standard sets the OSU Libraries buys or has free access to.

Online Standards Source
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers - ASABE ASABE technical library
American Society for Testing and Materials - ASTM ASTM
Code of Federal Regulations - CFR USGPO
IHS subscription (tutorial for searching and ordering standards) IHS and IHS tutorial
Institute for Electronics and Electrical Engineers - IEEE IEEE
MADCAD provides access to the International Code Council (ICC), which includes building, mechanical, and plumbing codes, and the NFPA fire code MADCAD
Military Standards and Specifications - MIL-STDS or MIL-SPECS ASSIST
National Information Standards Organization - NISO


Print Only Standards Book/Serial Location
American Society of Agricultural Engineers - ASAE*

ASAE Standards (1984-2005)

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials - AASHTO Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing
American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists - AATCC AATCC Technical Manual
American Concrete Institute - ACI ACI Manual of Concrete Practice
American Oil Chemists’ Society - AOCS Official methods and recommended practices of the AOCS
American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
Society of Automotive Engineers - SAE

SAE Handbook

Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry - TAPPI TAPPI Test Methods


ASAE Standards are available from 1984-2005. Since 2005, these standards are published online as the ASABE Technical Library