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American Indian Resources: Other Websites

This is an introductory guide to resources for Native American Studies. Some, but not all, of these are available through the Edmon Low Library, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.

State Historical Societies

State historical societies and state archives often have extensive collections of materials regarding the Indian tribes that lived in their areas.  This may be true even if a particular group was located elsewhere.  The following are a few examples.

 Kansas Historical Society, Topeka  The Kansas society's website has a number of resources on American Indians, including several historic sites related to tribes that now have their heeadquarters in Oklahoma. 

Native American Studies Programs

A Guide to Native American Studies Programs
in the United States and Canada
Robert M. Nelson, Editor.  Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures.  Revised Oct. 20, 2011.

A guide by region and state with information on many of the programs in the U.S. and Canada, and links to their websites.