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Open Textbooks/Open Educational Resources: Workshops

OpenOKState | First Tuesdays

Dates, times and locations will be announced August 2024. Contact if your division, department, unit, organization or college would like to host a workshop.

OER "What, Why and Who"

Learn the basics about open educational resources and how their adoption, modification and creation align with the mission, vision and strategic direction of Oklahoma State University. Participants will learn what open educational resources are, why they are used in higher education, and who benefits most from their inclusion in teaching, learning and research.

OER "Where, How and When"

Learn how to locate, evaluate, and use quality OER in your research, teaching and learning. Participants will learn about Creative Commons licenses and the role they play in facilitating the re-use of open educational resources, explore content authoring tools, discover instances in which OER inspires innovative research, teaching and learning.


Research, teaching and learning using OER have been recognized by OSU administration and the OSU faculty council as appropriate for consideration as scholarship in retention, promotion and tenure dossier. Participants in this session will have the opportunity to explore how definitions of scholarly and creative work align with OER and practices related to their use, as well as how to articulate their impact on the field.

OpenOKState | Elevenses

Dates, times and locations will be announced August 2024. Contact if your division, department, unit, organization or college would like to host a workshop.

Student Perspectives

Are you considering shifting away from requiring students to purchase commercial resources for your course? Come hear how the use of OER, library, and open resources have changed the conversation for Oklahoma State University students. Hear from students about how the OSU community has helped save students over $4,000,000.00 in commercial textbook costs and how those savings have impacted student retention, choice of major, sense of belonging, and other decisions they make related to their OSU experience.

OER as Scholarly and Creative Work

The use and creation of OER have been recognized by the OSU Faculty Council and OSU Administration as appropriate for consideration as scholarly and creative works in the retention, tenure and promotion process. Come explore how the values and practices that have helped save OSU students over $4,000,000.00 since Fall 2019 align with your research goals and scholarly work. Participants will discover shared vocabulary for use in their retention and promotion dossier.

Ask Us Anything

Curious about how OER might help enhance your research, teaching and learning experiences? Exploring a grant related to OER or open practices? Want to get involved but don't know where to start? Drop by and ask the OpenOKState team and OpenOKState Fellows about your next step. 

OpenOKState | Power Hour

Dates, times and locations will be announced August 2024. Contact if your division, department, unit, organization or college would like to host a workshop.


Come meet the OpenOKState team, share ideas about how this great work can continue, and jot a note of thanks to the students, instructors, faculty, staff and administrators who have helped save students over $4,000,000.00 by switching from required textbook purchases. 

Let's Get Some Grants

The use and creation of OER have been recognized by the OSU Faculty Council and OSU Administration as appropriate for consideration as scholarly and creative works in the retention, tenure and promotion process. Come explore how the values and practices that have helped save OSU students $4,000,000.00since Fall 2019 align with your research goals and scholarly work. Participants will discover shared vocabulary for use in writing grant requests and documenting their work in RPT.

Ancillaries, Grants, and Syllabi, Oh My!

Come by and say thanks to the students, faculty, staff and administrators who have helped save OSU over $4,000,000.00 in textbook costs since Fall 2019! Want to join in? Bring your syllabus and the OpenOKState team can help you explore open resources. Help will also be available for instructors creating ancillary materials to complement existing OER and open resources, applying for OSU or OCO Regents materials grants, or seeking information about how to qualify for OER course marking. 

Page updated 6.2.24, KE