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- OpenOKState Fellows
Open Textbooks/Open Educational Resources: OpenOKState Fellows
The OSU Libraries’ OpenOKState Fellowship program is an opportunity to contribute to the success of OSU students, faculty, and the state of Oklahoma by facilitating open, customizable access to meaningful teaching, learning, and research resources and experiences.
OpenOKState fellowships are designed to support OSU faculty, instructors, and students actively envisioning and implementing open scholarly practices which broaden access to meaningful teaching, learning, and research opportunities. The program’s goal is to develop an ongoing, growing network of open practitioners. The OpenOKState Fellows application and selection process provides opportunity to identify, value, and cultivate people who demonstrate the creativity, expertise, and credibility necessary for sustained engagement with and development of inclusive and equitable scholarly environments.
Call for Fellows
OpenOKState Fellows promote collaboration and innovation among OSU faculty, instructors, administrators, and students working to increase access to meaningful teaching, learning, and research resources and experiences.
OpenOKState fellows are selected in recognition of their contribution to scholarship and teaching through open practices which advance academic excellence, support student success, and facilitate community engagement.
The application cycle for the 2024-2025 OpenOKState Fellows closes April 30, 2025. Visit the OpenOKState Fellowships information page for details and application information.
OpenOKState Planning Cohorts
Join a cohort of faculty working to curate, remix, and where necessary create primary or ancillary teaching and learning materials intended to replace required text purchases for recurring courses. Over the course of one semester, participants will
- Develop strategies for locating and evaluating open educational resources
- Learn to identify and integrate elements of copyright and licensing necessary for engaging with open educational resources
- Work toward redesigning a course to use OER or create ancillary materials for existing OER.
Formal activities may include two one-hour virtual or F2F conversations, completion an OpenOKState/OSRHE Regents micro-course module and in-cohort presentation of completed projects. See Open OKState Fellows Planning Cohort details for more information.
OpenOKState/OSRHE OER Training and Materials Grants
State system institution faculty and instructors teaching transferable courses with OER in the 2024-2025 academic year may be eligible to apply for open textbook development/adoption grants. Projects and funding amounts might include
- $1000 - Whole adoption of an existing OER
- $1,500 - Remix/revision of two or more existing OER into a new research, teaching and learning resource
- $3,000 - Full authorship of an OER for areas in which none have been created
A $500 ancillary materials grant may be available as add-on or stand-alone to fund the creation of homework and assessments to accompany a new or existing OER textbook. Up to 3 teaching collaborators (teaching the same course with the same resource) may receive $500 each. Project collaborators such as OSU affiliated staff or faculty instructional designers, librarians, or accessibility specialists may be included and receive $250. Funding will be disbursed from OSRHE to the faculty and instructors' teaching institution, who may issue the award to the faculty.
See OpenOKState Fellows/OSRHE Materials Grant details for more information.
OpenOKState OER Champions
The OpenOKState OER Champions Awards provide recognition to faculty, instructors, or staff who have made outstanding contributions to advance open practices and OER at OSU. These awards will honor those whose open course materials and professional and research practices have had an impact on the student experience and influenced peers to share more openly. See OpenOKState OER Champions for more information.
Page updated 1.7.25, KE
OpenOKState Fellows by Kathy Essmiller is licensed CC BY 4.0 . The content and programs described have been adapted from Think Open Fellowship by Marco Seiferle-Valencia and localized for use by the Oklahoma State University community. Information regarding the OSRHE Materials grants is from OCOLearnOK OER Training and Open Textbook Grants.
Page Updated
Page updated 1.7.25, KE