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Copy Cataloging Training on Folio for Student Assistants: Labeling

Training procedure for monograph copy cataloging in Folio

Labeling Main, Architecture, Media, Vet Med and Textbooks- Portrait

1. Open the SpineOMatic program. This should be pinned to your taskbar, and looks like three books standing together.

2. Put your initials in the yellow user bar in the upper left corner.

3.Scan the barcode of the item into the pink scan bar. Hit enter.

4. The call number should populate the yellow box below the barcode. Check the call number against the work sheet. If it is not correct, then return to Alma and fix the error before proceeding. If the call number does not show up at all, or you get an error message, check in with your supervisor.

5. Click add to batch #1.

6. Continue until all items have been added to the batch.

7. Add the correct placement on the label sheet to the First label prints at: E.g. Row 3, Col 1

8. Hit Preview/print

9. Verify that the labels are in roughly the right area, and that there aren't any that are too long for the label.

10. Place the label sheet face down, top up in the printer tray.

11. Print from the preview.

12. If the whole call number fits, place the label 1/4" from the bottom of the spine. If it does not, place the label on the upper left corner of the front cover, 1/4" from either edge. 

13. Cover with a label protector.

14. Place the completed items on the re-shelving truck.


Labeling Main, Architecture, Media, Vet Med and Textbooks- Landscape

If a call number is too long for a portrait label (meaning more than 4 rows including any label prefixes, such Arch. Library), then it will need to be printed in the landscape setting.

1. Select the Landscape setting

2. Following the above example, re-configure the settings for the margins, rows, columns, label height/width, and gap height/width.

3. Proceed to scan and add items to the batch, just as you would for the portrait setting.

4. Place the label sheet face down, with the top left corner of the front in the back left corner of the tray.

5. Select preview/print, and verify the labels are correctly situated.

6. Print from the preview.

7. Apply the label 1/4" from the bottom of the spine, if the entire call number fits. If it does not fit, apply it to the top left corner of the cover, with a  1/4" on each side.

8. Cover with a label protector.

9. Place the completed items on the re-shelving cart.