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- Library Guides
- Checkout Information for Devices
- Frequently Asked Questions
Checkout Information for Devices: Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
All expectations and policies for laptops, and prices for damage, can be found on the library's device Statement of Responsibility. If your question is not answered on this list, however, please feel free to ask the staff behind the circulation desk or email the device manager at liblap@okstate.edu
Where can a laptop be rented?
On the first floor of the library at the south side of the Circulation Desk. AV devices can be checked out through the Creative Studios.
What kind of devices are available?
Dell laptops, MacBook Airs, and Microsoft Surfaces are available for student patrons. Faculty and staff have Dell laptops and MacBook Pros that they can check out.
How long can a laptop be checked out?
Students with a valid OSU ID have the option to check out a laptop for 1 day or 7 days. Faculty and staff laptops are available for 7 days. Renewals are not offered at this time.
Can I check out a laptop for longer period?
No. All laptops must follow their standard checkout period. However, every semester the Library does offer an opportunity for semester-long laptop checkouts. Please find more information about this program here. Putting your name in the drawing DOES NOT guarantee a laptop for any patron.
How long does it take to check out a device?
A few minutes, at most. Employees must check that each patron has a Statement of Responsibility on their account before they check out a laptop, ensuring that the patron is aware of all policies concerning the devices, and record important information in case of damage, loss, or theft of the laptop.
Are there fines for being late?
Yes. Laptop fines are $20 a day for being late.
What happens when the battery runs low?
All laptops wipe their hard drives when they lose power or are turned off. This is to keep any possible information that is still open on the computer safe from the next patron that may check the device out. If the battery of a laptop runs low, students can check out a charger from the device counter so that they do not lose any information.
Are the laptops compatible with printers in the library?
Yes. There are printers that connect to laptops via USB cable across from the laptop checkout counter on the first floor of the library.
When returning a laptop, can it be left at the circulation desk?
No. All laptops must be handed back DIRECTLY to a staff member behind the device counter, never left on the counter to be found later. If there is a line, patrons must wait to be helped. Abandonment of a laptop or other device will count as a strike against a patron's account. Three strikes and a patron cannot check out devices until the next semester.
Please note that "DIRECTLY to a staff member" means to place the laptop in the intended return location as directed by library employees. Violation to this rule will be counted as a strike.
Can software be installed on the computers?
Only the Dell computers allow for software installation. Macs and Surfaces do NOT allow new installs.
Can the laptop be taken out of the library?
Yes. Each laptop is equipped with wireless internet and should connect to the university's internet automatically.
Rental Procedure
Late Fees
$20 per day overdue
All students and staff must sign a Statement of Responsibility before checking out any devices. Devices from the Edmon Low Library can be checked out for either 1 day or 7 days. Laptops must be returned directly to the attendant at the device counter at Circulation.
Laptop Manager
Room 101
Edmon Low Library
(405) 744-7117
Warning! Data Loss!
When a student laptop is turned off or loses power, all material not backed up to an external drive or Cloud storage will be lost! The Edmon Low Library is not responsible for any data lost due to power loss. The library cannot guarantee the amount of battery charge left in each machine. Power cords are available for check-out with the laptop to ensure it stays fully charged.
Cloud Storage Options:
Google Drive
Microsoft OneDrive