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Digital Scholarship Center: Workshops and Events


The Library hosts a variety of events on Digital Humanities and Digital Scholarship topics and also  works closely with the Humanities Initiative to provide programming. Visiting speakers have included Coded Bias filmmaker Shalini Kantayya and restorative justice archeologist Dr. Alicia Odewale. Additional events, such as Science Cafe, may also be of interest.


Workshop Series


The Carpentries is a worldwide organization whose vision is to make coding and data science skills accessible and inclusive. Learn more about The Carpentries at their website. OSU Carpentries is a member organization of The Carpentries. We organize and teach free workshops based on the Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry learning materials. We are actively engaged in enhancing the productivity of research across all disciplines on campus.

Data Bytes

Brief (1-1.5 hour) workshops open to all OSU faculty and students about library resources, software tools and improving your research processes in all disciplines.

Maps and Data

Workshops on GIS, StoryMapping and Spatial Analysis.

Upcoming Workshops