- Library
- Guides
- Folio/EDS Documentation
- A&M Consortium: FOLIO Cataloging Guidance
- 1. Creating Instance Records
A&M Consortium: FOLIO Cataloging Guidance: 1. Creating Instance Records
Advice on cataloging with the shared A&M Consortium FOLIO Client
Creating Instance Records
When creating instance records from MARC records, catalogers will need a source for those records. This LibGuide will use OCLC Connexion as the source for these MARC records. This is described on the next page "OCLC Connexion Configuration." If you would like to use a different source for records, please read "Single Record Import" or "Data import". These articles have basic information on importing MARC records.
There are 5 main options for creating an instance record in FOLIO. Go to the next pages to learn more.
- Option A: Export Records from OCLC to FOLIO (Recommended)
- Option B: Single Record Import (Request an OCLC record from the FOLIO Inventory App)
- Option C: Using FOLIO Data Import App
- Option D: Creating an Instance Record without a MARC record
- Option E: Creating an Fast Add Record
For a quick overview, see Fenway Library Organization's video "FOLIO Instance Records."