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A&M Consortium: FOLIO Cataloging Guidance: Withdrawing Books

Advice on cataloging with the shared A&M Consortium FOLIO Client

Withdrawing Instance Records

As mentioned in the Overview, FOLIO does not current allow for the deletion of Instance Records.  However, there may be occasions when the Consortium has:

  1. Unnecessary duplicates of instance records,
  2. Instance records have been accidentally added to the catalog,
  3. And/or all items and holdings of an instance record have been deleted, and there is no need for an instance record anymore.


If this is the case, please select "Edit instance" from the "Actions" menu.


Then suppress the record from discovery and from staff.  It may be applicable to also click "previously held" as well.  Then go to the statistical code field and choose "RECM (Record management) : withdrawn - Withdrawn (withdrawn)."


For step by step instructions see below:

Warning: Do Not Delete Items Until Ready

Warning: do not delete items until you have gathered all necessary statistic information.  After items and holdings are deleted, there is no way to retrieve circulation and location data.

Withdrawing Books from Folio: Step by Step

  1. In the inventory app, search for the instance by title.
  2. Expand the holdings bar.
  3. Select the correct barcode. This will open the item record.
  4. In the drop down action menu, select delete. On the pop-up confirmation note, click delete. This will take you back to the instance, and the time lag means that the barcode may still show up as attached to the holding. If there are other items attached to the holding, please update the holdings record to reflect the change (see step xx.). If there are no other holdings, please proceed to step 5. 
  5. If there are no other items attached, you will need to withdraw the holding. Click view holdings.
  6. On the far right action drop down menu, select delete. On the pop-up confirmation note, click delete. 
  7. This will return you to the instance record. If there are other holdings attached to the instance, you are done. If there are no other holdings, proceed to step 8.
  8. In the drop down action menu, select edit instance.
  9. Click the radio buttons for Suppress from Discovery and Staff Suppress.
  10. Click add statistical code, and from the resulting drop-down menu, type in RECM and select RECM (Record Management): withdrawn- Withdrawn (withdrawn).
  11. Click add administrative note. In the resulting box type : Wdn;your initials;today's date. 
  12. Click save and close.
  13. The item may proceed to physical processing and boxing.