Experts Directory: Privacy Settings
Profile Privacy
You can set privacy levels for your profile and for individual components of your profile. Here's how:
- Log in to Experts Directory
- Under your profile picture or icon, click Edit My Profile. You will be taken to Edit mode.
- At the top, directly under Your Name (Edit mode), you will see the privacy level for your entire profile. You can choose Internal or Public. Your profile will immediately update to the setting you've selected. There is no "save" button to click.
- For individual components of your profile, such as an additional email address, you can use the Edit button to set your privacy to Match profile level or Private. This privacy setting is located in a dropdown menu next to the Save button. If you have set your entire profile (step 3) to public, match profile level will make this information public. If you have set your entire profile (step 3) to internal, match profile level will be internal.
Below are definitions of the available privacy settings for your researcher profile:
- Public: After you choose to make your profile public, this data will be publicly available.
- Internal: Only other Experts Directory users can see this data, not the general public.
- Private: This information is visible to you, your delegates and administrators.
For additional information on privacy in Experts Directory, see Privacy FAQ.
Marking Activities and Scholarly & Creative Works as Private
To hide a scholarly or creative work, grant activity or teaching activity from public view:
- From the Menu
go to My Profile > My Work > Scholarly & Creative Works (or another activity type).
- Scroll or filter for the activity in question.
- To the right of the activity title, click the globe icon:
- When set to private, the icon changes to a person. This means it will not be visible to the public or to most other users of Experts Directory. Your delegates, power users, and system administrators will still be able to view items marked private.
- The Privacy Settings menu pops up.
- Select an option for the privacy level for the work (in the example below, a book set to public).
- Select an option the button for relationship privacy. In the example below, the book is set to be publicly visible, but because the overall profile is not public, the relationship privacy is automatically set to internal. When the profile is made public, the book will automatically be visible to the public on the public profile.
- An overview of privacy settings is also available within the Experts Directory system: Link to privacy overview in Experts Directory. For additional information on privacy in Experts Directory, see Privacy FAQ or Contact Support.