Experts Directory: Manage Scholarly & Creative Works
After you have customized your search settings, it is time to claim/reject your scholarly & creative works.
1. Claim or Reject Publications
View Claimed Publications
- Go to
(Menu) > My Work > Scholarly & Creative Works
- Items in the Claimed tab of your publications are automatically added based on the identifiers associated with your Experts Directory profile.
- Click the dots button in the upper right and select View Details to see more information, including publication metadata, OSU co-authors, and sources from which this data was harvested.
Reject a publication record
- If a publication is not yours, click the dots button.
- Select Reject. This will move it to the Rejected tab. Experts Directory keeps this list as a record of items you have rejected to make sure any new versions of the item are not added to your Pending list.
- If you see a number of publications on your Claimed tab that you have not authored then do one or both of the following:
- Check to make sure your identifiers are correct in Experts Directory.
- Check to make sure your publications are correctly attributed in Scopus. If they are not, see Curate your Scopus author profile.
- Publications are added to Experts Directory from multiple data sources and some of these may have more complete or more accurate metadata than others. See Select a preferred publication record below for additional help.
2. Managing Your Pending Queue
View Your Pending Queue
- Go to
(Menu) > My Work > Scholarly & Creative Works and click on the Pending button.
- Your Pending queue contains publications that Experts Directory suspects might be yours based on your search settings, or if someone else linked you to a publication.
If a publication is yours:
- Click Claim to move it into your Claimed queue.
If there are a large number of publications written by you in your Pending queue from Scopus:
- Add your Scopus Author ID to your profile to automatically claim those publications.
- Review Automatic Claiming.
If there are a large number of publications by authors who are not you in your Pending queue:
- Click the check box at the top of the page to select all the items on the page. Make sure to increase the View limit accordingly. Then click Reject. This will send the publictions to the Rejected tab. Experts Directory keeps this list as a record of items you have rejected to make sure any new versions of the item are not added to your Pending list.
- Identify if any of the authors of the incorrect publications has a Scopus Author ID. You may need to go to Scopus and search for the article title or the author. Once you determine the Author ID, do the following in Experts Directory:
- Go to
(Menu) > Settings > Automatic Claiming. See if the ID appears in the Does this Scopus ID identify you? list.
- If so, click No to reject all publications associated with that ID.
- If not, you have to add the ID first, then reject it.
- Click Add Scopus ID and paste in the Scopus Author ID.
- Click Next.
- Click Auto reject associated items.
- Go to
- Modify your Name-based search settings.
3. Set a Preferred Record, Create a Manual Record, Favorite, and Set Privacy Settings for a Record
Set Preferred Record
After you have claimed your publications, you may want to review the record for each publication. Experts Directory harvests publications from multiple data sources (e.g. Scopus, Crossref, PubMed), and gathers duplicates into a single record. Sometimes the metadata from one data source is more complete or accurate than another, or you may want to create your own record based on an existing record.
- Go to
(Menu) > My Work > Scholarly & Creative Works
- Click the dots button in the upper right corner of the publication, then click View Details:
- Click on a Data Source name to view the full record
- Click the set as preferred record icon on the right side of the record to set it as the primary record
Create Manual Record
You may decide that none of the available records are complete or correct. In this case you can create a manual record by adding or correcting an existing record.
- Go to
(Menu) > My Work > Scholarly & Creative Works
- Click the dots button in the upper right corner of the publication, then click View Details:
- Click Add manual record on the right side of the Data Sources box.
- This will take you to an entry page, where you can add, remove, or correct information accordingly.
Favorite a Record
When you favorite a record, it will appear at the top of your Experts Public Profile page. Note that this is different from Set Preferred Record above, which determines which record appears on the page.
Hide a Record
You may have an item in your profile that you do not wish to delete, but also do not wish to appear on the Experts Public Profile page.
- To set the item's privacy status, click on the globe icon next to the heart on the publication record.
Marking a relationship as private indicates that your relationship to that object should not be shared publicly, and hides the relationship from most users within OSU Experts Directory. Your relationships will always be available to certain users, including your co-authors and other collaborators, your delegates and a small number of system administrators. For more information about privacy, see Privacy Settings.
4. Add or correct reporting date
The reporting date is the term for a primary date for an item in Experts Directory.
- Go to
(Menu) > My Work > Scholarly & Creative Works
- Click the dots button in the upper right corner of the publication, then click View Details:
- Access the Reporting Date in the box on the right side of the page and click Override. Click Manual, and enter the desired date. Click Save.
5. Split records and change item type
Occasionally, records for two distinct items may be mistakenly merged together if they have similar metadata. This is most common in the case of journal articles being merged with records for abstracts, posters, or conference proceedings. These records may be split as follows:
- Go to
(Menu) > My Work > Scholarly & Creative Works, then click the title of the item you wish to modify.
- Click the split icon next to the record you wish to separate from the others.
- Each record will have the same "type" designation (e.g. Journal Article, Abstract/Conference Proceeding, etc.). If you wish to change the type, navigate to the item, then click on the pen (edit) icon at the top of the page underneath the item title.