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Experts Directory: Manually add Scholarly & Creative Works

This is the last method you should use to get your publication data entered. Please customize your search settings and review techniques for importing publications before manually adding data.

See the Publication Types and What Goes Where page if you have questions as you add publications manually.

Go to Experts Directory menu icon(Menu) > My Work > Scholarly & Creative Works

Click on the big plus symbol in the upper right corner and select the type of work you want to enter. See the Publication Types and What Goes Where page if necessary.

Add a new scholarly & creative work screenshot with plus sign highlighted


Search for the work

To avoid creating duplicates in the system and to save you from having to input data, you will be asked to perform a search for the work you wish to add. This will search both existing entries in Experts Directory, as well as external databases to attempt to locate a record for the work.

If neither of the below searches return your work, or if you are certain it will not be returned in a search, click Skip to manually enter details on the item.


Search in OSU Experts Directory

The top section of the search results will include any potential matches within Experts Directory. For example, if you have co-authored the work with someone at OSU and they have already claimed or manually entered the work into the system, it will appear here. Click Claim if it is a match.

Screenshot of search result in OSU Experts Directory

Note: when you claim a publication that was manually added/imported by another user, the publication type assigned to it (journal article, book, etc) cannot be changed without the record changing in both users' profiles. Therefore, if you wish to claim an internal publication entered by another OSU user, you should not change the type unless both authors agree to reassign the type. This will require some coordination between authors.


Search in External Database

The second section of the search results will include results from external databases. The Google Books and the CrossRef databases hold records on many published works, and the Elements system can be used to pull in these details to fill a new record automatically.

  • If you are adding a journal article or conference paper, you will be prompted to enter either the title, a partial title, or the DOI. If the DOI search is unsuccessful when using a URL (e.g. then try to enter the numbers only (e.g. 10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60678-8), and vice versa.
  • If you are adding a book or book chapter, you will be prompted to enter either the title or ISBN. If the ISBN search is unsuccessful when using the 9 digit ISBN (e.g. 1441150676) then try using the 13 digit ISBN (9781441150677). Also try the search with or without hyphens (e.g. 978-1-4411-5067-7).

In some cases, multiple matches may be found. You can examine the details of each object by clicking on the title. If one of these objects represents the publication, click Claim next to that title. This is important if there are multiple records with the same name or if you want to know how this activity is "typed"  (Journal article, book, etc) before you claim.

After you claim it, you will have the option to link it to one of your grants. Make sure the Related To filter on the right side of the page is set to Me. If the publication is not linked to a grant, click Not externally funded on the right side of the page. For more information on grants, see the Grants & Awards help page.