Experts Directory: Profiles
Researchers maintain their research interests, academic appointments, education, languages, and contact information in the profiles module of Experts Directory. Currently all data in Experts Directory may only be viewed by other OSU researchers with the intention that select data will be made available publicly in the future.
Profile Privacy
You can set privacy levels for your profile and for individual components of your profile. Here's how:
- Log in to Experts Directory
- Under your profile picture or icon, click Edit My Profile. You will be taken to Edit mode.
- At the top, directly under Your Name (Edit mode), you will see the privacy level for your entire profile. You can choose Internal or Public. Your profile will immediately update to the setting you've selected. There is no "save" button to click.
- For individual components of your profile, such as an additional email address, you can use the Edit button to set your privacy to Match profile level or Private. This privacy setting is located in a dropdown menu next to the Save button. If you have set your entire profile (step 3) to public, match profile level will make this information public. If you have set your entire profile (step 3) to internal, match profile level will be internal.
Below are definitions of the available privacy settings for your researcher profile:
- Public: After you choose to make your profile public, this data will be publicly available.
- Internal: Only other Experts Directory users can see this data, not the general public.
- Private: This information is visible to you, your delegates and administrators.
For additional information on privacy in Experts Directory, see Privacy FAQ.
Edit Your Profile
This section covers contact information, photo and the About tab of your profile. For other tabs, visit the respective support pages: Scholarly & Creative Works, Professional activities, Teaching activities, and Grants.
Profile Photo
- Experts Directory video tutorial: Adding a Profile Picture How to change your Experts Directory profile picture including uploading and cropping. Also, a short discussion of the characteristics of a good profile picture.
Click Manage photo to add a photo, an alternate email address and a phone number.
Your name, department, and OSU email address are imported directly from Banner and must be updated via Human Resources.
- Contact your college/department HR liaison to update incorrect information in Banner.
- You may also add a preferred name in Experts Directory under
(Menu) > Settings > Account Settings.
In the Overview, Research interests and Teaching summary fields, click the Add button to enter descriptions if you'd like. Blank fields will not be displayed internally or publicly.
Click Add labels to indicate whether you are available for any of the below activities:
Activity | Description |
Career advice | Available for mentoring: career advice |
Collaborative projects | Available for collaborative project work |
Industry Projects |
Available for Industry Projects |
Speaking engagements |
Availability to organize or join a conference as a panelist or speaker |
Masters or PhD research supervision |
Available to supervise Masters Research or PhD students |
Undergraduate research supervision | Available to supervise Undergraduate Research students |
Media inquiries |
Available for media inquiries. OSU’s Office of Brand Management works to help connect OSU’s subject matter experts with members of the news media. Questions regarding this effort can be directed to |
Membership of an advisory committee |
Available to be a member of an advisory committee |
Mentoring (long-term) |
Available for long-term mentoring |
Mentoring (short-term) |
Available for short-term mentoring |
Teaching opportunities |
Available for teaching |
Technical support | Available to provide technical support |
Research design | Available to provide consultation on research design |
Inclusion, diversity, equity, and access (IDEA) support | Available to provide support on inclusion, diversity, equity, and access; addressing structural, systemic, and societal injustices |
Art, music, or design commissions | Available for art, music, and/or design comissions |
Undergraduate recruitment support | Available to participate in in-person and/or online undergraduate recruitment activities |
Fields of Research
These tags are built in to the Symplectic Elements application underlying Experts Directory. While your specialty may not be represented exactly, selecting a related or more general field will improve discoverability of your profile on Experts (the public facing side of Experts Directory). To view a full list of fields, follow this link.
- Click Add labels to indicate your field(s) of research.
- Note: you may have data that has already been entered here on your behalf. If you wish to remove a tag, click Manage labels and click the X next to the label you wish to remove, then click Save Changes.
- Enter the numeric code for your field, or start typing keywords.
- Note: We strongly suggest you browse the Fields of Research scheme to discover tags that may apply to you. You can use the magnifying glass on the right side of that page to search.
- In the list that pops up, select your field and then click Add.
- Save Changes.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) are at the core of UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was adopted in September 2015 by all UN Member States as a new plan of action. These tags allows you to indicate how you and your work are contributing towards achieving specific goals.
- Click Add labels to indicate an SDG that applies to you.
- Note: you may have data that has already been entered here on your behalf. If you wish to remove a tag, click Manage labels and click the X next to the label you wish to remove, then click Save Changes.
- Click in the search box to see the available labels, or start typing a keyword.
- In the list that pops up, select your SDG and then click Add.
- Save Changes.
- OSU appointments is for current rank and department at Oklahoma State. This field is locked and administered centrally. If you need to make corrections or additions to this field, please fill out a support ticket or email
- Academic appointments is for your additional appointments at OSU or academic positions you've held at other institutions.
- Non-academic employment includes industry or non-academic positions.
Education, Language Competencies, Addresses
Enter information in these sections as relevant by clicking the Add or Edit links. A window will pop up. Fields marked with an asterisk are required in order to save that information to your profile. Degree data may be used for accreditation reporting.
- Note: throughout Experts Directory, you may select an institution from the Institution name dropdown list, but it is also possible to type in an institution that is not included in the list.
Add a Delegate
To allow another Experts Directory user to edit your profile, add them as a delegate. To do this:
- Click the Menu icon
in the upper left corner, and go to Settings > Manage Delegates.
- Start typing the user's last name in the Name box.
- The first user with that last name will appear in the dropdown menu. To view other users with that name, click the down arrow in this dropdown or type more letters of the name. If the person's name does not appear, they likely need to be added to Experts Directory; please contact support to request this.
- Select the name. It should appear in the dropdown now. Click the Add delegate button to finalize the process.