Experts Directory: Professional Activity Types
Using an accurate activity type will improve reporting across the university. If you have an activity and you're not sure where to put it, also try the What Goes Where? page.
Professional Activity Types
Administrative efforts
Service as an administrator with a formal administrative assignment (Heads, Deans, Directors, Chairs, Clinical administrators, Co-administrators and Coordinators)
Awards, distinctions received
Clinical service
Clinical services in various settings, such as health center, veterinary clinic, pharmaceutical consultation, psychology clinic
Community engagement activities
Community engagement activities that do not fit into another type
Advisory or consulting services to outside group/agency/government/company
Editorial activities
Editorship for a journal, book series, popular press over an extended period
Employee supervision
Supervision of non-student employees (staff) as part of professional duties
Event administration
Administration of an event as organizer, coordinator, chair, committee member
Event judging
Event judging or refereeing
Event participation
Participation in an event, without an administrative role
Expert witness
Expert testimony at trial, agency review, etc
Fellowship awarded
Gift & fund development
Participation in donor fundraising activity
Institution / Program reviews
Assessment, review, accreditation of a department, program, or an entire institution
Interviews given or conducted
Marketing / Public relations activities
Design/creation of materials for marketing and/or public relations
Memberships: Board
Membership on a board (advisory, executive, etc)
Memberships: Committee
Committee participation (department to international)
Memberships: Professional organization
Memberships in professional organizations
Mentoring: Professional (non-student)
Mentorship of non-student professional
Partnerships established with organizations and businesses
Peer Review: Conferences
Service as a reviewer or referee for a conference or conference prospectus
Peer Review: Curricula
Service as a reviewer or referee for a curriculum or curriculum proposal
Peer Review: Grant proposals
Service on a review panel, study section, advisory group to evaluate grant proposals
Peer Review: Journals
Service as a reviewer/referee of submissions to a journal/periodical
Peer Review: Manuscripts (non-journal)
Service as a reviewer/referee of submissions for a manuscript that is not a journal or periodical
Professional development
Participation in an activity for the purpose of your own professional development
Participation in an applied research or instructional activity not covered by another type. Also useful for linking multiple related activities and publications.
Promotion / Tenure assessments
Review and assessment of faculty for promotion/tenure
Public offices held
Elected or appointed public office